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Went and got the bad haircut fixed. She did a good job but, I was not fast enough to stop her rubbing in some waxy stuff into my hair. I look all spiky and can't wait to get it washed out of my hair. So much for coloring it tonight!
why do they always want to put goop in our hair. at my age i look like an idiot with spiky hair.

been sewing , so taking a break til tomorrow. will finish up the project then.

Especially after I told her I was a wash and walk girl and no matter how she styled it; it would not look like that tomorrow or ever again.:rolleyes:
Thank you, Addie. It was and it was our first nice, long ride of the season. We're looking forward to many more and a few long trips as well.

P.S. It's almost always romantic because we're still newlyweds.

My daughter's hubby has a Harley. She looks forward every Spring to their first ride. They head for the back roads and go up to NH and the mountains. It is their favorite ride. He goes up there every year for the July 4th rally at Laconia. :)
Just got back from a nice long walk with dh. Threw a couple of steaks on the grill now I'm sitting back with my feet up & the tv on in the background. Our daughter is serinading us with her piano practicing.
Especially after I told her I was a wash and walk girl and no matter how she styled it; it would not look like that tomorrow or ever again.:rolleyes:

My hair dresser in the ten years she has been cutting my hair has never cut it the same way twice. I usually wait until it is almost down to my shoulders. Then when she asks me how I want it, I tell her "off. Take it all off". I have been trying to get her to cut it into a really short pixie cut. But she never goes quite short enough. Of course my daughter thinks it is adorable spiked. I let her think it until I get home and wash it immediately. What I do for peace in the family. :angel:
Sitting here watching "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock. Earlier I watch "The Notebook. And fell asleep right in the middle of it. Well, I will catch it the next time around. :)
Sitting here watching "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock. Earlier I watch "The Notebook. And fell asleep right in the middle of it. Well, I will catch it the next time around. :)
We watched the blind side last night, 3rd time around. That one never gets old.
I'm sitting here on edge, literally. Mom has had cancer for 15 yers and it looks like things may take a down-turn. So I'm thinking of what I might need to do if I need to go to Florida this week.
I'm sitting here on edge, literally. Mom has had cancer for 15 yers and it looks like things may take a down-turn. So I'm thinking of what I might need to do if I need to go to Florida this week.

If you can afford it, go, whether or not things are getting worse. I'm sending some healing vibes towards Florida and some good ones towards you.
So it is late in the day. I put a cup of coffee in the zapper and notice the plate needs to see the sink. Take out the cup of coffee, put the dish in the sink and notice the handle on the fridge is dirty. Wipe off the handle, notice the stove top needs wipng down. Notice the counter tops need to be wiped off. All I wanted was a cup of coffee.

So I called Son #2. We made a trade off. I will cook him any dinner he wants after the first of the month and he will clean my kitchen from top to bottom. :wacko:
You said it, TaxLady! That's another thing I like about the men's shirts, at least one pocket. I prefer to use it for my grocery list and pen when I'm shopping. They are also so well matched to the plaid/print that if you don't put anything in it, you really don't see it.

It's so aggravating to take my trash out to the trash chute and find I don't have even one pocket to put my keys in. I'm so afraid I'll toss the keys down the chute too.

One time when I was working around the pond while I was wearing my favorite flannel shirt with a front pocket, I leaned over to pick out a fallen limb and my first cell phone dropped out with a plop and drowned in the pond. I secretly cheered. :angel:
Well, before I started reading a couple of pages here that I had missed, I was going into the kitchen to bake cookies. I mixed them up last night at bedtime (I had procrastinated all day long) and put the dough in to chill as an excuse. They're a little gift for a neighbor who will be celebrating his 92nd b.d. on Thursday. He still drives to work and puts me to shame for my lack of ambition.
Just finished some condo paperwork and I'm in the middle of cooking up a big batch of chicken stock. The 20-quart stockpot is full to the brim with stuff and is simmering away. The smell is driving me CRAZY!!:w00t2:
Had a fruitful day. Shrek decided he didn't care for the 3-wheel bike he bought last year and thought he would use it as a trade-in on a 2-wheeler. The bike shop gave him $259 off a new bicycle!!!! We were floored. I thought we were pushing it asking for $200...the guy told us that wasn't enough. Not only that, Shrek had picked out a bike that was $550, while he was testing it the salesman asked if we minded if he showed us another bike that looked like it would be more comfortable for Shrek. Of course we didn't mind. He brought the other bike out, adjusted the seat and sent Shrek off, he looked much more comfortable, sitting up straight, not all hunched over. We decided to take that bike instead and were thanking him for the suggestion. The next best part...the alternate bike was $130 cheaper than the bike Shrek had picked in the first place. The guy had OFFERED us a bike that was cheaper than the first pick...who does this sort of thing anymore? He asked me how my bike was doing and I told him it was fantastic, but I still hadn't got the fenders put on. He told me to bring in the fenders and the bike and they would put them on for me...for free!!!

Every time I go into this shop I end up even more impressed than the last time I was in...Love these Guys!

Big Sky Bikes on South Avenue...the best place ever!
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