Going MIA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
just remember to come back to us when the season is over, tl. :) and too, there is no such thing as innocent peeking in here at dc--it's called lurking. most likely you will be spotted and reported by one of our more vigilant members.... :)
Am back here for a relaxing weekend after a rather harrowing week that included
- getting kicked in my bad leg (deliberately) while trying to enter the commuter train on a day when it was running at low volume (I had my cane but couldn't hook her in time :mad:)
- receiving a survey from our health system addressed to my dad asking him to record how his last stay was (though I did get a very nice apology from the head of that department)
- having someone parked in my stall yesterday and getting harassed because I had the management tow the vehicle. If I can't park in my stall I have to park in DH's which is underground and 4 times the distance

Hopefully the next three days I can rest up, let my leg heal and have some fun here :).
Am back here for a relaxing weekend after a rather harrowing week that included
- getting kicked in my bad leg (deliberately) while trying to enter the commuter train on a day when it was running at low volume (I had my cane but couldn't hook her in time :mad:)
- receiving a survey from our health system addressed to my dad asking him to record how his last stay was (though I did get a very nice apology from the head of that department)
- having someone parked in my stall yesterday and getting harassed because I had the management tow the vehicle. If I can't park in my stall I have to park in DH's which is underground and 4 times the distance

Hopefully the next three days I can rest up, let my leg heal and have some fun here :).
Stop being so darned nice there girl. To bad they didn't have to deal with this old lady:LOL: They would have kissed you honey. Really LP learn how to use that cae. Hugs there sweetie.
Stop being so darned nice there girl. To bad they didn't have to deal with this old lady:LOL: They would have kissed you honey. Really LP learn how to use that cae. Hugs there sweetie.
Thanks, Ma, for the advice but I think I am pretty good with my cane! :rolleyes:


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I'm packing the kitchen here at the farm (well, not every thing, but most of my toys) to take to the "city" house. So, not much cooking here, and with all the packing, unpacking, painting, flooring, etc. I check my email and collapse at the end of each day.
I'm packing the kitchen here at the farm (well, not every thing, but most of my toys) to take to the "city" house. So, not much cooking here, and with all the packing, unpacking, painting, flooring, etc. I check my email and collapse at the end of each day.

We will still be here when you are ready! We do have to know how the girls are enjoying their new home!

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