Just wondering ... what is everyone reading now?

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Fairytale Interrupted - Author: Rosemarie Terenzio


Rosemarie Ternzio, was the former Right Arm to then John F. Kennedy Jr. at the George Magazine in the 1990s.

This is a non fiction work by Rosemarie, who covered the inside story behind the life of John F. Kennedy Jr.

Have nice afternoon,
Margaux Cintrano.
I'm reading Charlatan - the nonfiction story of a very successful flim-flam doctor who specialized in goat glands. Set in the early 1900's. I can hardly believe it's nonfiction.
I have moved on to reading A Feast for Crows (#4). I'm somewhat bummed out knowing that I'll hit a hard wall after finishing #5 because the final two volumes are not intended to be out before another few or several years.

I guess I'll wait a few years and then rent the TV series on DVD and see how it translates to television, while I'm waiting for #6 to get published.
i'm sorry, but i feel i must speak out against this author of fifty shades of grey that has somehow managed to go viral in the soft-porn book world in this country. e. l. james, the author of fifty shades of grey, makes stephenie meyer look like a pulizer prize author. if your interest is in erotic literature, there are authors who are true artists of this genre of books. take a look at anais nin, for example. but if anyone has a theory or explanation for the wild popularity of james's abysmally poorly written shades of grey, i'd be most eager to hear it....
i'm sorry, but i feel i must speak out against this author of fifty shades of grey that has somehow managed to go viral in the soft-porn book world in this country. e. l. james, the author of fifty shades of grey, makes stephenie meyer look like a pulizer prize author. if your interest is in erotic literature, there are authors who are true artists of this genre of books. take a look at anais nin, for example. but if anyone has a theory or explanation for the wild popularity of james's abysmally poorly written shades of grey, i'd be most eager to hear it....

theory: could it be the same as for piercings, tatts, 32 oz. drinks, etc., meaning we're dealing with human beans and their usual discriminating tastes, here. :rolleyes:
I got "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" for free on my kindle. I'm also reading Murder at Ford's Theatre by Margaret Truman. I have the next 2 Hunger Games books on tap for when I'm done with Mr. Holmes.
The Lonely Planet Guide Book & Frommer´s Guide

;) I am re-browsing and skimming the Switzerland Lonely Planet Guide Book and the Frommer´s Guide to Italy.

I am still actually reading a book on John F. Kennedy Jr. which I mentioned a fews ago.

Ciao, Have nice wkend.
I've just started book #3 of a military sci-fi series called "The Lost Fleet". Mindless stuff, really, but kind of fun. It's full of space heroes, villains, distant worlds, and epic shoot-em-up battles. I'm hoping it will carry me into vacation in another week.
I'm reading a boof "Out of the blue" by Scott Thoma. It's about a devastating tornado that ripped through a small minnesota town where I grew up.
I'm just about finished with the book I am on and have not decided what I want to read next. I have a huge choice, about 40 books to decide from.
Madrid Capital International Book Fair Weekend

;) Buongiorno,

Every year, from the end of May through the 1st weekend of June, Madrid Capital holds its´ International Book Fair.

Last night, The Vet and I had gone for a lovely light dinner of Greek Meze at Delfo´s and browsed the book stalls ...

:) Our Purchases:

1. In the Garlic: A delightful bilingual book about the hurdles of cultural differences filled with whimiscal froth in English and Spanish and how to manage these differences in language ...

2. The Meaning of Tingo : This is about the oddities of our language and the potpourri of Linguistic useful terms in English and Spanish.

3. Silver Spoon : A phenomenal Cookbook on the numerous regional cuisines of Italia.

4. Focaccia : A lovely edition specialising in this Italian basic.

5. The Foods of Greece : This wonderful book contains terrific dishes from a favorite land and the cultural insights with authentic traditional recipes.

All were marked down 50% ... This was the best part ...

Have a lovely Sunday.

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