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Had to work late tonight for a group of 30. Got home made a couple of burgers now kicking back & relaxing.
Relaxing out on the patio with a glass of wine and watching the hummingbirds. :)

We must be cursed. SO has had a hummingbird feeder in her garden for two seasons. We have never seen a single bird! The feeder is similar to the one pictured and we follow the directions to a "T". Every one else we talk to has plenty of birds. We have none.

I don't get it.
Hummers return every year to where they were born. Sure hope you can get some, Andy. Do you have flowers too?

Every year I get put on notice if I don't get the feeder out at the right time. The hummers buzz the window and stare at me....
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Hummers prefer tubular flowers, I see them a lot in the hostas and columbines. They also like the color red. Strange, if your neighbors have them, that you don't.

Ours are super territorial, and keep booting each other off the feeder, even though there's room for all.
I just dug up the shallots I planted last fall. Really nice size, hope they're good.

Hummers prefer tubular flowers, I see them a lot in the hostas and columbines. They also like the color red. Strange, if your neighbors have them, that you don't.

Ours are super territorial, and keep booting each other off the feeder, even though there's room for all.

Not our neighbors, just friends from nearby towns. SO has a variety of flowers including hostas, lilies, impatiens, hydrangeas, Iris, Morning Glory, etc. The feeder is red with yellow flowers at the feeding holes just like the photo.
Hi, Andy. :) Hummers habits can be odd - there are so many species and it depends on the weather and the species, as to where they will go. I'm in SoCal, and last year there were practically none....I was getting pretty disappointed myself. This year there are so many I can't go out on the patio to water without one buzzing around me, lol.

I'd go ahead and leave the feeders up and full, and hopefully 'word of mouth' will eventually get you some hummers. Usually, once one finds another food source, other than your neighbors, others will follow. They are very territorial. :)
Here in the midwest, we only have one species, the ruby throated hummingbird. They migrate south every year. One of my favorite things about spring here is when they return, and I get glared at and dive bombed while they wait for me to fill the feeder again.

As I said before, they return to their birthplace. That is probably the problem. I agree with Cheryl, keep leaving the feeder out. I put just a tiny amount of nectar in ours, with this heat, it needs to be changed frequently, otherwise it goes bad.
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Dawgluver said:
Here in the midwest, we only have one species, the red throated hummingbird.

I live in Missouri and have seen 3 different varieties at my parents' feeders. My dad fills 4 or 5 large feeders every day. There's at least 30 birds fighting for a spot at the feeders. We found a nest in the climatis last year. Cute little thing.
That's cool! What are the other varieties? In Mexico they have the Anna's hummingbird,among others ,but up here we only have the red throated.
Today I cleaned the refrigerator, top, sides, gaskets, inside and underneath. Now I won't have to do it again for at least 3 months.

It wasn't really hard to do, but it was hard getting up the energy!

My turn to feel like a slacker. Doesn't it feel good to have it so clean? I always wonder where all those crumbs in the freezer gasket come from (as if I didn't know). :angel:
I had a funny smell in my refrigerator and could not locate it. It was a chemical smell and not a rotten food thing. I spent all morning looking for bad wires or coolant leaks or something. Then I googled "chemical smell in fridge". Some said to look for bad wires or leaks of some kind. After yelling at the computer for telling me something I already had tried, I saw another poster that said that rotten citrus can smell like that. Needless to say I had forgotten about a leftover lime in the bottom of the crisper drawer! Now the fridge smells fresh again, and the garbage can in the garage has a funny chemical smell...

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