What are you doing?

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Sorry you we feeling ill LP. I'm glad you are feeling better.:)

Thanks, Chopper! It was nice to want to eat breakfast and not regret it after! ;) Though I kept it light with toast and tea.

We are travelling to Maple Ridge (about 45 - 60 minutes away) where my Dad lived before he came here. Our trip is for three reasons - to check the name plate at the cemetery, set some flowers for both of my parents (Monday will be 18 years since we lost my Mom and it is a year for Dad). We are then going to a house-warming party for one of TB's co-workers. I haven't met her yet, but when Joie was sick she called twice to see how he/we were doing!

We need to be home fairly early though as TB works Sunday Mornings and will be "starting an hour early" because of the time change. Also, I don't want to push myself.
I'm sitting on the porch with my dog, my tablet, my Jam speaker set to Sheryl Crow Radio on Pandora and a glass of wine. It's 58F and sunny today. Beautiful!
Eating the salad I had made for work yesterday, playing on the computer and have nothing else planned for the day. I may think about fixing something for dinner.
Right now? At the moment I'm sitting on the sofa in the living room with my feet up giving myself a little break. For just over a week, I've been painting and wallpapering furiously.

A week ago Thursday our refrigerator died, which necessitated a whole bunch of appliance research. Ugh! What an education!!! But...as long as there was a huge gaping hole in the kitchen where the old unit stood, I decided to at least paint and wallpaper that space. Well, as things happen, one thing led to another and before I knew it, I was painting and papering the dining and living rooms, too.

The living area of our house is very, very open. The kitchen, dining and living rooms simply "flow" into one another so it seemed natural to just get busy. I already had all the paper and paint which simplified the process considerably.

Anywho, I've been at it like a maniac and decided to be a little easy on myself today. Just did a little detail papering and some trimming.

Geez...sitting down with my feet up feels pretty good.
It certainly was beautiful today! 37F and sunny! And I spent the afternoon in the house changing around my reloading equipment. I did get to spend about 30 minutes outside though, late afternoon. And I helped reunite a little dog with it's owners. He was apparently spending his days in my pole barn. He's been missing since the fourth, and I had seen him today and a couple days ago. No wonder I kept seeing him if he was staying here! lol.

So now... what's for dinner...
Another hot day here, good news though, the heatwave is breaking next Thursday at this point YAY!!

Relaxing day in today...in the airconditioning :)
It certainly was beautiful today! 37F and sunny! And I spent the afternoon in the house changing around my reloading equipment. I did get to spend about 30 minutes outside though, late afternoon. And I helped reunite a little dog with it's owners. He was apparently spending his days in my pole barn. He's been missing since the fourth, and I had seen him today and a couple days ago. No wonder I kept seeing him if he was staying here! lol.

So now... what's for dinner...

I hesitate to ask what you keep in a pole barn...

So you are a hero to a little dog today...sounds like a great day to me!:)
Thinking about giving homemade bagels and english muffins a try. And wondering where I put those no-stick egg rings. I can use them as muffin molds.
I hesitate to ask what you keep in a pole barn...

...people from north-central Europe?

No, wait, there has been a problem with telephone lines laying along the side of the road in that region. I'll bet it's a long skinny building.

No, wait, due to flooding in the area the barn is raised off the ground on long skinny wooden tree trunks.
...people from north-central Europe?

No, wait, there has been a problem with telephone lines laying along the side of the road in that region. I'll bet it's a long skinny building.

No, wait, due to flooding in the area the barn is raised off the ground on long skinny wooden tree trunks.
I was thinking it was an exotic dance studio! :ROFLMAO:
...people from north-central Europe?

No, wait, there has been a problem with telephone lines laying along the side of the road in that region. I'll bet it's a long skinny building.

No, wait, due to flooding in the area the barn is raised off the ground on long skinny wooden tree trunks.


Maybe a place for polecats???
I hesitate to ask what you keep in a pole barn...

So you are a hero to a little dog today...sounds like a great day to me!:)

Fresh kielbasa. That's my middle name :whistling

Yeah, I'm just happy the little guy made it home tonight, especially since he was a nervous guy and I couldn't get him to come up to me. It was pretty cool seeing the 9? year old daughter coax him out, pick him up and give him a hug. Then say he smells :ROFLMAO:
Fresh kielbasa. That's my middle name :whistling

Yeah, I'm just happy the little guy made it home tonight, especially since he was a nervous guy and I couldn't get him to come up to me. It was pretty cool seeing the 9? year old daughter coax him out, pick him up and give him a hug. Then say he smells :ROFLMAO:

Yup, polecats...:LOL:
Here's one...


  • blonde pole dancer.jpg
    blonde pole dancer.jpg
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