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Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! My router decided to die without leaving a note, and Papa is mad as wet hornets at me because his laptop depends on the router and I don't have cat5 cables for to connect directly to the modem for the laptops I bought them.

I had to drive to Best Buy and get a new router, and he's still mad! Now Mamma is mad at him, and so is DA. I'm doing the best I can! I installed it very quickly, he was only offline for about an hour, but I just can't move any faster than I can.

I was very, very frustrated with him, but he apologized and we spoke of this.

I think I scared him when I yelled at him to stop ordering me around and I told him the only reason he was online is because I bought those laptops and I know what the hell I'm doing and I can't foresee equipment failure. Who does he think made this possible for him? DA? Gwen? RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!

He looked at me very oddly and went away from me without a word. Mamma couldn't believe I did that. I told Mamma I was going to get a new router, and if Papa couldn't be nice to me when I returned, I'll make sure he NEVER goes online.

He has apologized, and he even cried a little. He's not familiar with me now, that I have grown up. But I'll work on this! I plan to spend more time with Papa and talk to him much more.

I think issues with parents come upon us when we children start to spread our wings and fly. I'll always be their child, and I'll always need them. But I think this is my time, now, for Papa and me.

The new router is working very well!

With love,
Sounds like PapaCat could use some one on one father/daughter time. Of course he is frustrated. He sees his little girl all grown up and misses his little princess. He needs some reassuring that you will always be his little girl and will always need him. A big hard hug and a kiss on the cheek will go a long way with an "I love you Papa" along with an apology from you also for yelling at him. Even if you feel you were right.

Where is that little girl he put on the plan so long ago? He put a little Romanian girl on that plane and here he finds an independent Americanized young lady all grown up. Let him see that child every so often. Remember right now he is in a strange country, learning new things and it is hard for a parent to be dependent on his child because somewhere she became smarter than him. Be patient with him Cat. He loves you very much. :angel:
Sounds like PapaCat could use some one on one father/daughter time. Of course he is frustrated. He sees his little girl all grown up and misses his little princess. He needs some reassuring that you will always be his little girl and will always need him. A big hard hug and a kiss on the cheek will go a long way with an "I love you Papa" along with an apology from you also for yelling at him. Even if you feel you were right.

Where is that little girl he put on the plan so long ago? He put a little Romanian girl on that plane and here he finds an independent Americanized young lady all grown up. Let him see that child every so often. Remember right now he is in a strange country, learning new things and it is hard for a parent to be dependent on his child because somewhere she became smarter than him. Be patient with him Cat. He loves you very much. :angel:


You're right, Addie. I'll go right away.

With love,~Cat

You're right, Addie. I'll go right away.

With love,~Cat

Cat is still with her father in the study, Addie. I believe you're right also.

I'm letting them have their time; sometimes mothers must just leave them alone.

Thank you, Addie.

Spent far too much time looking around a new app on my phone. Talked to our dear daughter Loverly tonight and she told me about this "website" called "All The Cooks" that she has found a number of good recipes on. Felt a little old when I first looked for the site on my laptop...and found out it was mobile-only. Then I got "modern" and installed it on my phone. It looks a little like Pinterest in that it is photo based. And boy do the recipe photos look good! I'm afraid I found another time-waster! :ohmy:
Sounds like PapaCat could use some one on one father/daughter time. Of course he is frustrated. He sees his little girl all grown up and misses his little princess. He needs some reassuring that you will always be his little girl and will always need him. A big hard hug and a kiss on the cheek will go a long way with an "I love you Papa" along with an apology from you also for yelling at him. Even if you feel you were right.

Where is that little girl he put on the plan so long ago? He put a little Romanian girl on that plane and here he finds an independent Americanized young lady all grown up. Let him see that child every so often. Remember right now he is in a strange country, learning new things and it is hard for a parent to be dependent on his child because somewhere she became smarter than him. Be patient with him Cat. He loves you very much. :angel:

This has been such a long night. I did everything you said. We talked for a very long time, and I sat on his lap and he said he felt I had gone away of him.

I told him I really had not gone away from him and Mamma. My life changed when they told me I was to come here and there was no choice at all. Someone had to take care of DA and I was convenient. One of Papa's friends even said because I was adopted I was one of those "throw away kids. Put the little **** to work."

Now Papa understands, and we held each other so tight before bed. He said to my ear, "You're my angel, Catina. I love you."

I think we'll be okay. I must go to bed.
Cat is still with her father in the study, Addie. I believe you're right also.

I'm letting them have their time; sometimes mothers must just leave them alone.

Thank you, Addie.


You're welcome. Quite often mothers feel that it is not possible for a father to have the same depth of love for a child that they have. They lack that "motherly instinct." How wrong we are. He is hurting and only Cat can mend the fences that are damaged.

Sometimes words are said in the heat of anger. Someone has to take that first step through the healing process. This time it was Cat's turn to do so. :angel:
I got my truck inspected at the dealership this morning.
I ended up getting a Gran Cherokee while I was there.
The worse thing about getting a new vehicle these days is re-learning all the electronics. This one has more gizmos on it than my truck did.
Right now I'm arguing with an app on my Nook and I'm losing.

I hate that!

With love,

Oh dear! She has gone over the edge!

I just came upstairs from the Christmas Party. I had boneless spare ribs, fried chicken wings, 1/2 egg roll and some noodles. I grabbed a large handful of napkins and blotted every last vestige of grease from all the meats and egg roll. I tried to pick the food from the top. I didn't want any that had been sitting in the grease in the bottom of each pan. I wasn't taking any chances. I also had a cup of coffee. They had fat free half and half. All chemicals. I came upstairs and got my regular stuff. I brought a second helping of everything I had back for Spike. He will be here at 7 p.m. :angel:
I got my truck inspected at the dealership this morning.
I ended up getting a Gran Cherokee while I was there.
The worse thing about getting a new vehicle these days is re-learning all the electronics. This one has more gizmos on it than my truck did.

Do you name your vehicles?

Do you name your vehicles?

Pics... :rolleyes:
This is all you're gettin' from out the window. It's cold out there. And blowing. And dark :shock:
No, I don't name them :wacko:


  • Jeep.jpg
    83.1 KB · Views: 206
I'm going to miss my truck, but it's time was near (I lease) and they really wanted it. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. So now I have a Jeep like the other million on the road, lol.
Pics... :rolleyes:
This is all you're gettin' from out the window. It's cold out there. And blowing. And dark :shock:
No, I don't name them :wacko:

Nice rig Pac. I had a 2003 Grand Cherokee. Had the front seats replaced twice under warrantee. Seat heaters cracked the leather. Mrs D made me get rid of it. It sure road like a dream. By the way.......why is your driveway all white in the pic?
I'm going to miss my truck, but it's time was near (I lease) and they really wanted it. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. So now I have a Jeep like the other million on the road, lol.

There has to be 10 trucks for every Grand Cherokee on the road.
I was watching Boston's Finest on Cable TNT. It always amazes me when they show a picture of the Boston skyline how our two tallest buildings, the Hancock Tower and The Prudential Building, look so far apart. It looks like there is a mile or more between them. They are actually just around the corner from each other.

Tonight Teddy was nipping on my toes. He was acting like he wanted me to follow him. So I did. I brought up some chicken wings for Spike. He was eating them and wasn't sharing with Teddy. He wanted me to get some of the chicken meat from Spike for him. So instead I cut up a small piece of ham for him. He gobbled that down. It was then that Spike told me he had some turkey and roast beef in his dish at home that he hadn't even touched. Yet to see how he was acting tonight, you would think Spike never fed him. So then when Spike was finished he put the bones and dirty napkins and plate in the waste basket. When we weren't looking Teddy dragged them out and was licking the plate and chewing on the napkins. He got upset when Spike snatched them away. That is when Teddy decided he had enough and got his leash and brought it to me. That didn't work either. I made him go lay down. Usually he will lay down beside Spike, but he was mad at him. So he laid down right in front of me and looked up at me with those big black pitiful eyes. That worked. I called him up on the bed and gave him a good round of scratchies. Sooner or later you have to give in. :angel:

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