Going MIA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks for the tip and the link Kgirl. We'll check it out for Sunday brunch. Ohhh those pastry photo's!! I want some to take home with us, if they make it home.

We've eaten at SB Fishhouse several times, and you're right...it's ONO!!
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We won't be gone long enough to be missed, only overnight, but I wanted to share our little trip up the coast to beautiful Santa Barbara tomorrow. It's been a long time since a getaway so I'm excited.
For one thing, it's one of the most beautiful drives in California from Ventura to Santa Barbara. We have a room reserved by the SB harbor, and also reservations for dinner near the Arlington Theater on State St. There, we'll be seeing Dancing With the Stars on tour..check out the video..
Dancing With The Stars – Light Up The Night, Live!
We've both enjoyed so many seasons of the show on TV so it should be fun fun fun.

Have a great time KL and SC!!
I was given the phone # for Poo, I have not had the time to call, my life has gotten too busy at work, by the time I make it home, I am exhausted and he is probably working.
I too hope Addie is well. And BT, that little riddle you posed, I don't know the answer to that one. But the question was brilliant. But wait, if a well pump isn't a well pump, then it must be a swamped pump (look up synonym for sump).

Latest news, DW isn't very mobile but is getting along. I did a beatiful back fall last Saturday after slipping on wet ice, and still cracked two of the floating ribs on my left side (yeh, it hurt, a lot). It'll hurt for a while, but not extreme pain or anything. I can still do what I need to. Life just keeps moving on and throwing challenges at us. I'm not one to fold under challenges. I'll keep plugging along like the little train that could.

Thank all of you for the kind words from the last time I posted. This is such a great community. Oh, and Bt, my phone number has changed. I'll PM it to you, brother.

Seeeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I hope Addie is fine. PF, if you want to email me Poo's number I can always call him for you.

I have been not doing great lately which is why I haven't checked in for awhile. My thyroid levels have been all over the place, I have been catching bug after bug and battling depression as well. My pain levels thanks to coughing and not getting enough exercise are through the roof. On top of all that I lost a lady who was like a mother to me. She died of COPD just like my Dad and her last days were rough just like his.

But despite all of this I have been trying to keep busy and look on the bright side of things. My herbs are starting to grow again, Miley and Monkey are keeping me well entertained and my dear sweet TB is always there when I need him!

Oh, and I have my friends here at DC!

Okay, another case of me not looking at dates. I see that the stuff on Addie was a few days ago and then saw her thread. So glad she is okay.

Yeah, I am back. I simply didn't have a chance to notify anyone about the hospital. I went in town to see a doctor (specialist) and before I knew it I was in the OR. I ended up having three surgeries in less than a week. But I am on the road back, and that is what counts most.
Not sure if anyone realized I have been gone for awhile as I am in and out depending on my health. But this time wasn't MY health, it was my computer's...the power supply shorted out and the motherboard was damaged, as was my hard drive. I am just now getting things back on it after being without it for about 10 days (horrible withdrawal symptoms LOL). I lost all my data from the last 2 months (we didn't realize that the backup crashed when I had the virus back then).

I have the phone app for DC but always have problems with it so I didn't use it.
Not sure if anyone realized I have been gone for awhile as I am in and out depending on my health.

I noticed LP but thought it might be health reasons and didn't want to disturb/ask. As bad as a computer crash is (and believe me - I KNOW!) - I'm glad it wasn't health issues! Welcome home!
Thanks, everyone. No, I was just kidding as I know you all realize my health takes me away but I always come back. Yes, it is good that it was only my hard drive and not me, though I am getting sick and tired of trying to recover what I can. ;)
Thanks, everyone. No, I was just kidding as I know you all realize my health takes me away but I always come back. Yes, it is good that it was only my hard drive and not me, though I am getting sick and tired of trying to recover what I can. ;)
Just a thought - I started using an online backup service a few years ago so I wouldn't have to worry about this problem anymore. It automatically backs up every file on my computer and designated attached devices every time they change. It's really nice not having to even think about the possibility of losing anything ever again. It's called Carbonite and I pay $50 a year. Cheap price for the peace of mind.
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