What is your weather like right now?

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I'm sorry to upset anyone, but it's been around 30 deg c here, I feel sorry for Aussie who are in the 40s. Hard to sleep at night.

I'm sorry to upset anyone, but it's been around 30 deg c here, I feel sorry for Aussie who are in the 40s. Hard to sleep at night.


No harm, mate. You get your cold weather when it is sunny and warm up here. Enjoy it while you have it! :cool:

I stumbled upon this cool video on heating in -40C in Russia. The guy does a great job of explaining thermal mass, and the importance of creating a draft in a chimney. An interesting watch, IMO.

Good video, enjoyed it. I can certainly understand thermal mass. I learned about it when I was researching and gathering materials for my outdoor pizza oven build a few years back.
We rarely get these here but we just got one of those Federal emergency warnings about flash floods, especially for those in the recent burn areas.

We have been getting them also for the extremely low temps in these here parts. Not normal.
I've been hiding under the bed RF...wow, that sound and light show is sure not the norm in these here parts.

I had forgotten that you SoCal people don't get many thunderstorms. I love them, as long as a) I don't have to drive in them, and b) NO HAIL.

We rarely get these here but we just got one of those Federal emergency warnings about flash floods, especially for those in the recent burn areas.

We get a hand full most years. I think only one last year. My cell phone and the local sirens both go off. They usually happen when I am sleeping very nicely. Kinda' messes that up for a while. :mad: :LOL:

The sirens only go off for tornado warnings. Lesser stuff just sets the phone warnings off.

Years ago, a tornado warning meant a tornado was spotted visually. With modern Doppler radar, they can issue a warning when they first detect a tornado starting to form. Many tornadoes start to form, but never finish forming. So, we get more warnings, but we also get a lot more time to react. I prefer too many warnings to not enough.

Oh, it is currently 64F and very humid. Pretty normal weather for this time of year in North Texas -- upper fifties to lower sixties for the highs.

Watched the news last night and saw the cold snowy roads closed, same in the uk.
Nice cruisy day here in Chch, temp are 25 deg c. I feel for you guys with the snow.

I had forgotten that you SoCal people don't get many thunderstorms. I love them, as long as a) I don't have to drive in them, and b) NO HAIL.

Same up here, cd. We'd get them in OH, but they are rare in MA. The first or second summer we lived here, a real doozy of a line moved through. Before the rain started, the sky was that weird yellow-gray, with black thunder clouds. The neighbor two doors up had lived in IL, so she knew what to expect. She and I were out in our front yards looking up and yelling back and forth, things like "this is so cool" and "you don't see this up here" when the neighbor between us (a native MA resident who had lived no where else at that point) came out yelling "what is happening? Is the world ending?". We laughed, then told her she'd be fine...just as huge raindrops started falling and we all scampered into our respective houses. Now I watch the show through the ceiling in the sun room.

It's almost mild here - 31 degrees right now! We'll have a few more days of increasingly warmer temps, until we reach the top and slide back down the hill. By the end of February, it'll probably all end up "average".
Same up here, cd. We'd get them in OH, but they are rare in MA. The first or second summer we lived here, a real doozy of a line moved through. Before the rain started, the sky was that weird yellow-gray, with black thunder clouds. The neighbor two doors up had lived in IL, so she knew what to expect. She and I were out in our front yards looking up and yelling back and forth, things like "this is so cool" and "you don't see this up here" when the neighbor between us (a native MA resident who had lived no where else at that point) came out yelling "what is happening? Is the world ending?". We laughed, then told her she'd be fine...just as huge raindrops started falling and we all scampered into our respective houses. Now I watch the show through the ceiling in the sun room.

It's almost mild here - 31 degrees right now! We'll have a few more days of increasingly warmer temps, until we reach the top and slide back down the hill. By the end of February, it'll probably all end up "average".

The green cloudy skies are the creepiest. It doesn't actually mean anything bad is going to happen, but it looks really scary. :LOL:

There is a scientific reason for the green clouds, but I don't remember what it is.

It's cloudy and 46 here right now. My son and his family live in Sioux City, and they had schools closed, work shut down, and no mail for 2 or 3 days last week. Glad I'm down here instead.
Cloudy and 46°F here, too ;) Good to see you back, Cindy [emoji2]

Thanks, GG. My computer decided to give me the blue screen of death and had to save up for a new one. The old one was about 10 years old, so I figured it would be better just to get a new one.

50 and cloudy here, looks like the bottom could drop out right about now.
I LOVE thunderstorms. And they're extra specially terrifying up here on top of the mountain. :) Almost no time between the strike and the crack of thunder.

A tree in the woods behind me got hit and cracked in half last summer. I'll try to take a pic later.

Florida gets some fun thunder heads. Here's one from Ft Myers last summer as we headed back to Sanibel.


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I LOVE thunderstorms. And they're extra specially terrifying up here on top of the mountain. :) Almost no time between the strike and the crack of thunder.

A tree in the woods behind me got hit and cracked in half last summer. I'll try to take a pic later.

Florida gets some fun thunder heads. Here's one from Ft Myers last summer as we headed back to Sanibel.

We also love thunderstorms..
When we previously lived in Missouri, we were in the country. Could see for miles. We would sit on the porch and watch the storms approaching, then step inside until they passed. The lightning was so bright and the sounds of thunder and oncoming rain was deafening.. It was really fascinating and when a storm passed, it was like it never happened.

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