Butterscotch sauce recipe problem

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
I need to make butterscotch sauce for ice cream and have several recipes that call for heavy cream, brown sugar, etc. I have regular cream however, not heavy cream. The fat percentage is somewhat different. Do I need to make adjustments to the recipe?

Is this going to be a problem?

recipe 1:

4 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

recipe 2:

1 C packed dark brown sugar
1 C heavy cream
8 tbsp. butter
2 T corn syrup
1 tbsp. Scotch whisky
1 tsp. kosher salt
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Whenyou say regular, do you mean light cream (20%), or half and half (10%)? Whichever one, I would reduce the amount of that, and add more butter, to bring it up to the equivalent that the 35% heavy cream would have had in it. Otherwise, there will not be enough butter, and too much water in it.
Whenyou say regular, do you mean light cream (20%), or half and half (10%)? Whichever one, I would reduce the amount of that, and add more butter, to bring it up to the equivalent that the 35% heavy cream would have had in it. Otherwise, there will not be enough butter, and too much water in it.

I had regular cream. The carton said 30% fat. I made this last night and used the following recipe - it was AMAZING but a little scary to make. There was serious boilage... hot sugar deserves respect.

3 2/3 C packed dark brown sugar
4 C heavy cream
1 C butter
2 T corn syrup
2 tsp vanilla
3 T Scotch whisky
1 tsp salt

combine butter and sugar and melt together. Add cream in 4 batches stirring until combined. Boil 6-12 minutes just until sauce begins to sheet off spoon. remove from heat, add salt, extract and scotch. Cool. Store in fridge.

We having a make your own sundae bar and this should be a nice addition.


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