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Actually,...what if I crated DS and put the doggie in his room... ;) !!!
:)As you can see my poster I made a few years ago we also had crazy puppy.She tore more stuff than I listed and refused to house train we had to get forceful with her.And yes we still have and she is a good dog now.
Many thanks to GB for putting up poster for me.
you guys need to get a cat. They are so much less trouble!

You have to put up with catattitude but... it's worth it for the love you get ( on their terms.) :)
:)HEY,does any one appreciate this poster?I had to take it out of its frame,scan it and beg GB to post it.It was either make the poster so I could find the humor in her bad behaviour or speed up Daisys demise or give her away we knew no one would put up with such behavior and her life span would have been very short which we would never do so we stuck with it.She really is a good doggy now.:ermm:No she really is and we love her.
I love your poster, JP! It made me laugh out loud and also remember a neighbor's boxer who ate a whole wet suit once!!
:)Thanks FM, Daisy happens to be 1/2 boxer.OMG I never thought we would turn her around she was completley impossible of all the things she destroyed it was the National Geographics that really pissed me off as I was starting a nice collection.But as I said before she is alive and well I would never have hurt her but she really made me want to.
It's funny - they really are just like kids in so many ways. I know some kids that I honestly didn't hold out much hope for them ever becoming "civilized", but the actually turned into fine people. And I've had some dogs and cats that definitely tried my patience to the point of wanting to "find them a good home in the country with lots of room to run".

I did have to turn one cat into an outside cat because he wouldn't quit peeing on everything in the house. He promptly lost a fight with a raccoon - and I mean permanently lost. One of my kids is still mad at me for that but I really couldn't break him of spraying in the house.
:)Thanks FM, Daisy happens to be 1/2 boxer.OMG I never thought we would turn her around she was completley impossible of all the things she destroyed it was the National Geographics that really pissed me off as I was starting a nice collection.But as I said before she is alive and well I would never have hurt her but she really made me want to.
love the poster...Been there done that, son's pooch.. loveable doxie, but a royal pain..His favorite pastime is to wait til you leave the kitchen then he gets up on the table for dinner..Nothing is sacred with ol Woody around...I warned my son, if I ever catch woods on the table again, he will be meeting my favorite pair of pliars:LOL: J/K but he has been warned...
It's funny - they really are just like kids in so many ways. I know some kids that I honestly didn't hold out much hope for them ever becoming "civilized", but the actually turned into fine people. And I've had some dogs and cats that definitely tried my patience to the point of wanting to "find them a good home in the country with lots of room to run".

I did have to turn one cat into an outside cat because he wouldn't quit peeing on everything in the house. He promptly lost a fight with a raccoon - and I mean permanently lost. One of my kids is still mad at me for that but I really couldn't break him of spraying in the house.
:)We really try and try but sometimes you hit a point a cat spraying in the house is a really bad one something I will not put up with.Our cat Shadow started spraying when we got Snoopy so we did not love him in front of Shadow until he decided Snoopy was OK now its all good.

OMG :ROFLMAO: Thank-you jpmcgrew you too, GB for that poster!! I had to compose myself (and change!):LOL:. That would fit Deuce to a T if the picture was him!!:angel: I have to say that he is being a good boy today and not leaving my side. I do have one word that I can say that neither dog will ignore... BELL. :ROFLMAO: They both hate the cow bell that I have used to train them from jumping up on people. Just mention it and they will stop what they are doing wrong, and go lay down. Now if I could only get a way to remote system...:LOL: I do have a cat, Lucky. They are afraid of her, she rules the water dish.
OMG :ROFLMAO: Thank-you jpmcgrew you too, GB for that poster!! I had to compose myself (and change!):LOL:. That would fit Deuce to a T if the picture was him!!:angel: I have to say that he is being a good boy today and not leaving my side. I do have one word that I can say that neither dog will ignore... BELL. :ROFLMAO: They both hate the cow bell that I have used to train them from jumping up on people. Just mention it and they will stop what they are doing wrong, and go lay down. Now if I could only get a way to remote system...:LOL: I do have a cat, Lucky. They are afraid of her, she rules the water dish.
:)You should make you own poster its fun to do and believe me that dog destroyed much more than I listed.I hung it on the wall by their dog bowls.
:)I dont use a bell but the dogs a very familiar with the fly swatter all I have to do is show it to them and they straighten out.;)
:)I used to have a great big Red Bone Coon Hound named Henry and a Border Collie named Little.Well when I used to work at the Ski Valley in Taos they would hafto stay in the house all day till my boyfriend and I got home in the afternoon.It was Christmas time we had wrapped presents to give to friends etc our kitchen had open cabinets.Well one day we came home and walked in the door it was sooo funny.There was Little looking at us like he didnt do it(and I dont think he did) but knew he was gonna be in big trouble anyway.So in the living room all the gifts had the wrapping tore off and wrapping paper everywhere.Also all the food in the cabinets where strewn all over the floor every package open and spilled every where including bread,baking soda,crackers and those things that where called Mr.Phipps.A total catastrophy.Needless to say they didnt get in too much trouble as they knew what they did.But we used to call it the day Henry threw a Mr.Phipps Party

Actually, I wonder.. you know how some people regift?:angel: Can I regift a dog back to my brother?!? He isn't even going to come to Mom's for Christmas, so maybe if I just drop him down the chimney..:ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO: Just joking - I think.
You are so funny, Dawn! But you know, my oldest daughter had a habit of picking up stray animals and then giving them to her brothers and sister as "gifts" - gifts that live at my house!!!! I've often wondered about regifting some of them back to her.
Fisher's Mom, I think we should!! Told my DS you said I was funny, he said yea, looking!!?? BRAT that he is got the new shoe on the butt.
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