What's on your schedule for today?

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lol, flu, cold? don't know, coughing,aching, nose running. freezing , burning up. i have an appointment with dr. tomorrow afternoon. i just can't afford to get as sick as i did last time.

don't know what sick again so soon, but will certainly ask. thanks for your kind thoughts. might be worth being sick though if it will make u come visit:cool:
I don't know about Kades, but for me, I'm 2 1/2 hours away driving, you're worth it and I drive fast and could show up with dessert of course, so you'd better get better.
Glad about the doctor apt, do let us know what he or she says please.

up early
hubby off to work with lunch and coffee
coffee and granola for me
store for more granola ingreds as now I need to do a new batch, can't wait, this is soooo fun [thanks for all the recipes you folks have offered me]
go see mom, maybe take her to lunch if time is right
figure out dinner
make dinner
rearrange work stuff
play with pooches
wash kitchen floor
workers comp stuff
wait for my doll to get home, eat dinner, snuggle, slumber
dentist... ick yuck..dread...suffer...nuff said ( and it's only a cleaning LOLOL)
half price books
computer, tv,
dentist... ick yuck..dread...suffer...nuff said ( and it's only a cleaning LOLOL)
half price books
computer, tv,
Awww Trish, my teeth hurt just thinking about your dentist appt. I'll be thinking about you. But HalfPrice is an awesome way to recover. I could spend days in there (because mine has free coffee and a bathroom.):)
going to doctor this afternoon. this is a long drawn out trip. call cab, wait for cab, go to clinic, see doc, call cab, wait for cab, take cab home with two stops. get home, fall into bed. see what i mean. :(
going to doctor this afternoon. this is a long drawn out trip. call cab, wait for cab, go to clinic, see doc, call cab, wait for cab, take cab home with two stops. get home, fall into bed. see what i mean. :(
You forgot one thing, Babe. Just before you fall into bed, you need to let us know what the doctor said. Otherwise we'll be worried all night. I hope he can figure out what's wrong and fix it ASAP.

I wish I was there to drive you. When you're already sick, all that cab stuff really wipes you out. Hopefully it'll be a slow cab day so your waits will be short.
reread this page.
very good comments.
fish through all the bags I just lugged in and separate things for all 5 of my babys and the big baby too.
Fishers Mom, that last comment made me giggle, I need lots of coffee and heck if they even offer a loo, I am thrilled, just means I can spend all day there.
pdswife, that is sad the dentist thing I mean. Me too, hate those mean people. they've hurt me way too many times over the last year and what on earth have I ever done to them?:huh:
babetoo, I'm sorry for the hassle today for you.
Like FM said, do let us know please.
SK, IJP4U and yours
going to doctor this afternoon. this is a long drawn out trip. call cab, wait for cab, go to clinic, see doc, call cab, wait for cab, take cab home with two stops. get home, fall into bed. see what i mean. :(

Babetoo, I hope that you feel better soon.

Today, was such a good day. I walked my butt off all over the forest. It was great to spend the day outdoors while we still have good weather. Here is what I did today:

  • Inspected a loaded chip van for proper documentation.
  • Made sure the road to the timber sale had been watered.
  • Approved a landing location to load logs and chips.
  • Approved a temporary road to haul the trucks on.
  • Authorized a skid trail to haul trees to the landing on.
  • Checked the water level of a spring to see if we could draft water from it to water the main haul road.
  • Went back to the office, read a few emails, did payroll and went home.
Here we go again.

no school today so no worries there!
bathe a kid or 2
take middle kid to dr
drop off middle kid
eat quick?
go to school for oldests' parent-teacher conference
figure out dinner
make dinner
wake up DH for work
make coffee
fall asleep on couch as usual
here we go again ditto...........
up way too early
coffee computer lunch for dh coffee for dh
granola ff milk for me
wash my car before sun comes up so it won't streak
box up stuff from yesterday send it out to 2 addresses
take boxes to FED EX
get ready for work
figure out dinner
wait for hub to come home
eat dinner
watch debate spit grunt groan
Brown meat for lasagna, boil noodles, cook sauce, shred mozzarella cheese.
Put Lasagna together, make garlic bread.
Make Pumpkin Pie. Whip some heavy cream for pie topping.
Pick up grandson from school.
Set table, eat dinner.
watch PBS if anything good on .
Sleep !

Assembled the lasagna ingredients after browning meat, cooking sauce, shredding cheese, it's all ready for the oven . *whew* I still have to make the pie.
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up, hot water and lemon, paul's lunch , puter
ride exercise bike, vaccuum, visa bill, dishes, figure out dinner,
nap, more puter, tv, hugs, kisses, sleep
up early, too early
hubby coffee, lunch, coffee to go, kiss/hug
do hair, it's too light dang........
talk to 2 of the keiki's
prayed for kids too much today already, oh no, that's not possible
mom, go visit
make apts for dog groomer to come here and do these crazed dogs of mine
work schedule, check and see
call Barb L and see if we can talk for a few minutes
more stuff that I can't remember
Paul's lunch
My coffee
exercise bike 7 miles
grocery list
Fred Meyers, Safeway, Target, Hair cut
put groceries and other things away
wash clothes, do dishes, clean up house
do dinner
spend time with hubby
tv, computer, bed
and maybe if there's time a few more miles on the bike
going to doctor this afternoon. this is a long drawn out trip. call cab, wait for cab, go to clinic, see doc, call cab, wait for cab, take cab home with two stops. get home, fall into bed. see what i mean. :(

turned out better than i thought. my handyman came by, told him had to go to dr. he took me and waited for me. did the two stops on way home.

dr said bronchitis , antibiotic in order and something for the cough. am better but still have a bit of a cough. :cool:
Up too early !!
took shower
feed cats, clean litter boxes
wash hands
come here to DC
go grocery shopping for few items (yeah right , a few items)
make ice cream and sherbert
make lunch
make supper
husband up at 4 am
coffee set to be made at 5 so
couldn't let him not have his coffee for show, coffee to go, or lunch in tow
thankful I'm as quick as I am in the kitchen
back to bed by 4:15
kissed goodbye
up again
coffee and granola with ff for me for brekkie
don't know about the rest of the day
except do have to soften this too light hair of mine
meaning I'll low lights it
up early, again
no going back to bed
coffee, yogurt smoothy
vac/dust/wash kitchen floor
call apple about apt
if the guy works today, I'll make the 60 mile trek into apple
computer for hotel and rental car for trip this weekend
again, try calling Barb L
worry about dinner later, not now, no desire
make some flavored sugar and flavored salt.
make coffee, drink coffee with the flavored sugar.
Buy some deli meats for panini sandwiches.
defrost some previously made crusty bread.
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