Who's Trying to Lose Weight?

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your body needs carbs, it helps the brain stay healthy. Just be smart about which carbs to eat.
I am trying to lose weight. I am prediabetic and really don't want to cross that line. It is tough because DH isn't very receptive changing his diet (he is overweight too) and insists on bringing junk into the house.
Ohhh I have a sweet tooth, also! I eat craisins and almonds for a snack. The crunch of the nuts and the sweet of the craisins is super! Also, I love the Abs Diet book - there are so many yummy smoothie recipes in there, its like drinking dessert that is good for you! :chef:
I would be one of them raising hands willing to loose my weight. Well, I am not that fat but I am over-weight according to my height. I succeeded in reducing my weight by 3 kgs but since I was on a holiday at home, gained another 5 kgs. I do regular activities of playing tennis and cricket but it hardly helps.
In June and July I gained a crazy amount of weight. I've dieted before, and generally eat healthy anyway, so I am sort of in a quandry as to what to do. First thing I checked my thryoid blood levels with my dr so that's OK.

Now I'm eating a lot of fruits and veggies, and some protein. Light on the good carbs, too. Being that I'm 45, closer to 46, I guess I have to face the fact that I'm aging....
did you start on a new medication before the weight gain. diabetic drugs can cause you to gain weight. some others as well, have that side effect. the only way i know how to lose weight is to eat less. sounds like you are doing a good job. don't cut foods you like completely out of your diet. you will just fail and eat them. allow yourself small portions of all most anything, including desserts. therein lies success.
I agree with you babetoo. I know this from experience. I have lost large amounts of weight twice before, by severely limiting what I allowed myself to eat, and gained it all back and then some.

I am on the journey again except that nothing is off limits. I try to eat the right things and stay within my calorie allotment 80% of the time, the other 20% I cut myself some slack and if I need some Ben and Jerry's, I have some! I have lost 60 lbs. this year, I am trying to lose slowly. This diet or lack of one seems effortless I don't have the crazy cravings that I had before.
eat less, exercise more. One can always start by asking their doctor for advice.
That's easy, CharlieD....just don't eat anything white. No processed sugar (and potatoes turn into sugar in your body). I'll do it with you :). We can compare how many inches lost in our waist. Accountability helps with willpower issues. We'll have 6-pack abs in no time ;)

Then we'll join kayelle on her next trip to Tahiti to show off our results!
Oh, almost forgot Alexandros the CabanaBoy & KathleenA in Icaria!

I'll starve. Everything white is my favorite. Potatoe, noodles, white bread. I honestly do cannot imagine life without potato.
Could you live, Charlie, if you made mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes? You could put Earth Balance Butter on them because that brand is made with only healthy oils like olive oil. And you can mash them with skim milk or Almond Unsweetened Milk (white but they don't count). If you don't think you can live without potatoes then that's okay but you'll have to go the route of smaller portions and lots of exercise.

As for pasta you can substitute whole grain pasta. I know some taste like cardboard but there are some brands that are deeeelish (i can't remember the brand name right now...anyone out there know?)

And for bread...you'll get used to whole grain bread in time (not whole wheat). In fact, eventually, you'll prefer the extra flavor and texture over plain white. Trader Joes has a whole grain bread with wheatberries that is awesome. It has purple on the packaging (look for wheatberries listed under the name).

It takes 30 days to break old habits. Can you hang in there for 30 days?

Charlie, I read that Ronzoni Multigrain pasta is excellent...and it's not white :). Whole wheat pasta often has white flour in it...but not wholegrain pasta. Some prefer Ronzoni to white.

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