What is your weather like right now?

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I am so ready for spring It snowed all day here in southern South Dakota. It added to the 8' of snow already on the ground. A high of 30 tomorrow will feel like a heat wave.
Just about all the snow melted that we got last week... and it's raining... and you know what that means... The ground is super saturated and the creek that runs behind my house now has a tributary that runs alongside my house... :(
Just about all the snow melted that we got last week... and it's raining... and you know what that means... The ground is super saturated and the creek that runs behind my house now has a tributary that runs alongside my house... :(

39F, snow blowing sideways and 25 MPH winds from the east...it's going to get cold!
The temp dropped and is now 52F, but the wind is NNE10 so it's chilly. Pretty and partly cloudy.
Where do you live? 32F feels warm here. (In South Dakota)

I live in New Orleans, LA (NOLA). The temp is now 72F, wind ENE8 Sorry about your winter. I'm enjoying it now, because summer here is no place to be, except inside with A/C.
I live in New Orleans, LA (NOLA). The temp is now 72F, wind ENE8 Sorry about your winter. I'm enjoying it now, because summer here is no place to be, except inside with A/C.
Wow the temperature just dropped down to 23F. They say even more snow is coming. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I don't mind the snow that much It's the freezing rain that makes it dangerous ou there. I don't mind the snow I probably just complain about it too much. I was raised in Minnesota but spent 4 years in South Daytona, Florida. I missed the midwest seasons. I guess we always want what we can't have.
Wow the temperature just dropped down to 23F. They say even more snow is coming. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I don't mind the snow that much It's the freezing rain that makes it dangerous ou there. I don't mind the snow I probably just complain about it too much. I was raised in Minnesota but spent 4 years in South Daytona, Florida. I missed the midwest seasons. I guess we always want what we can't have.

Yeah, in the summer I want to rent an iceberg or move to the Arctic Circle. I turned the heat down when I got home tonight, was sweating walking in...so what if Shrek needs a blanket.
Right now it is snowing and blowing. This morning it was very cold and with the wind chill making it really bad. Up here in Alberta the temps. are -25c wind chill -35c. That would be about -30f. I think. We can't go to far from home untill the snowplow comes by [live in the country] Thought you might like to know. Grandma Rose
Right now it is snowing and blowing. This morning it was very cold and with the wind chill making it really bad. Up here in Alberta the temps. are -25c wind chill -35c. That would be about -30f. I think. We can't go to far from home untill the snowplow comes by [live in the country] Thought you might like to know. Grandma Rose

Thank goodness spring is just around the corner.Daylight savings time begins march 13th. we get to set the clocks ahead 1 hour. Snow predicted here again in southeastern South Dakota. Longer daylight makes winter feel a little shorter.
Yeah, in the summer I want to rent an iceberg or move to the Arctic Circle. I turned the heat down when I got home tonight, was sweating walking in...so what if Shrek needs a blanket.

I could do with some sweating. Shreck should buy some snow pants.:LOL:
today was just lovely. about 65 and sunny. right now is dark and 59 degrees.
Sounds like great weather where are you at? I'm in South Dakota our high today was 4F. Snow is predicted again. We already have 8".
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