10 yr anniversary present for a guy?

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Master Chef
Sep 14, 2004
Ok.....I'm stumped. I haven't a clue what to get DH for our 10th anniversary today. I've put it off and put it off because I honestly don't have any idea what to get him. As far as the charts its suppose to be a diamond but he's not a jewelry kind of guy.....only his wedding ring. He has about every tool imaginable. I need some ideas if you don't mind. Figure $50.00.....as this is all I can afford since I'm now a stay at home mom.
Hhhmmm -- maybe a massage if he likes that kinda stuff. A subscription to a magazine he likes, tickets to a show or something, reservations at his favorite restaurant? Let us know what you decide - whatever it is, I'm sure it will be wonderful!
Does he like fishing? hunting? What are his hobbies?
I go through these first for dh. He is a big time fishing fool. I will give him a Bass Pro Shop catalog and see what he looks at. Ask his buddies. See if he has mentioned anything. Buddies know more than we do half the time anyway. Ask someone that isn't going to mention it to him
WHOA!! TG! Now there's a woman after my own heart.

The only thing a man loves more than a Victoria's Secret catalog is Bass Pro Shops. :mrgreen: As a matter of fact, you could get him a $50.00 gift certificate to BPS, put it in the catalog like a bookmark then wrap the catalog. :mrgreen: though that's not too romantic. That might be more suited to a birthday.

I agree with TG on his interests too, zone in on his hobbies or any sports he likes. If he has a favorite sports star you might want to get him some awesome autographed memorbilia (like a jersey he can frame) or something like that.

The best gift though is a good meal and a ** ahem ** "romantic" evening. :brows:

~ Raven ~
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:LOL: You guys are so easy to buy for. That is one advantage that we have over you. I love buying him the stuff that I know he will use daily or at least, almost daily.
DH isn't into hunting or fishing. If he's not at work he's working on this house or on computers......thats his hobby and its what he's returned to school for to get out of the factory work. He has all the fancy gadgets that come with computers and personally I cringe at the thought of buying anything remotely connected to a computer :LOL: .

BIL came by today and tilled my garden and I guess DH mentioned a certain nail gun he's interested in. I won't be able to buy it but I can buy him a gift cert to go towards it at least. I'm going to give his truck a good cleaning too......its a mess. I think he'll be very happy.

I do plan on making us a nice dinner.........not romantic as children will be present :angel: . And with us both just getting over a virus right now I think a special evening will have to be on hold till this weekend :angel: . He's suppose to take me to a nice italian resturant I've been wanting to go to.

Thanks everyone.......I was getting pretty desperate.
SizzlininIN said:
I'm going to give his truck a good cleaning too......its a mess. I think he'll be very happy.

My wife hates getting gifts for me. My hobbies are not expensive and if I want something (which is rare), I usually go out and buy it. I really like your idea of cleaning out his truck. I know that I'd really appreciate something along those lines.
Aww... it is a pity the DAY is today!! If you still had at least a week or so, I would have suggested making a virtual album reflecting your 10 years on something like powerpoint or flash, (with lots of special effects, personal messages and quotes, music etc...) it would be something unique, special and doesn't cost you!! But that would take some planning, brainstorming and of course time... let me think more... or do you know a real whiz who can whip up something like this in a snap if you have the material on hand??
What are his hobbies? Maybe something to do with that? I got Ken a video editing thing for the computer.

The nail gun might be just the thing...maybe you could etch a diamond onto the handle? J/K.

Guys are hard to buy for.
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It's been a few years since my 10th

Not sure if your husband has a barn or loves his garage like my
husband. He has all his tools in the perfect spot, pictures of
the fish he has caught on the walls softball bats hanging from the wall. He is a clean freak all his stuff is set in the perfect spot for him, this is his hangout.

I got the big huge box of all the pictures of us and our kids for the last
ten years and made a really cool collage and framed it in a frame that
would go well in his hang out. And I thanked him for the best 10 years
of my life, being a wonderful husband and father to our girls. For some
reason my husband loves simple gifts for him. Normally I don't go simple
but I did this time. He loved it I still walk in on him in is hang out and
he is looking at the collage. It did take time and probably 400 pictures later
but they on his wall and not in some box or in a book where we hardly ever

I on the other hand was given, the most beautiful diamond ring I have
ever seen.

Not sure how we can top this on our 20th
Since his "hobbies" seem to be computers and working on the house and you don't want to get anything computer related them how about a gift cert to Home Depot so he can get a tool he might not have?
And BTW,


Sometimes when wives give men a restaurant gift certificate, it's under the premise that she's going too. However, if you give him a gift that's just for him, it may mean a lot more. I'd beg & plead with your kids' friends' moms so that they could be at sleepovers on your special night. Surprise him by cooking something he loves, turn out the phone & the lights, turn on his favorite tunes and eat by candlelight. Remind him why you married him. Tell him he really is your hero, and you are so proud of his hard work and how much he does to support his family. Pamper him.
A good and thorough backrub will also do wonders for a man's mood. Doesn't hurt to not wear the t-shirt and jeans you've been wearing all day. Get the kids out of the house and put clean sheets on the bed.
mudbug said:
A good and thorough backrub will also do wonders for a man's mood. Doesn't hurt to not wear the t-shirt and jeans you've been wearing all day. Get the kids out of the house and put clean sheets on the bed.

LOL! Not very romantic when you have green gunk coming out your nose and throat.........not just me. We didn't do anything but cuddle up on the coach under a blanket, watched t.v. and ordered in. We just weren't up health wise for anything else :angel: . We are going to go out and celebrate this weekend.....we're going to go to an Italian resturant in a town about 45 minutes away that gets rave reviews.

I ended up getting him computer stuff.......I figured thats his hobby and just because I cringe at walking into a computer store doesn't mean I should not get him a gift he'd love and use.

Thanks again everyone for your ideas and thanks Tex for the wishes.
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