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urmaniac13 said:
I could always go for flans, but what is sopaipillas?
They are these super yummy puffy pieces of pastry, often covred with cinnamon and dipped in creme fraiche :)

Do you think we should make both desserts, as we might have a big crown of hungry DC members?
Do you know that the "fried" ice cream in Mexican restaurants is not really fried, but is ice cream with some kind of coating, sitting on a sopaipilla, then drizzled with chocolate? But do you also know that I have seen recipes for ice cream that is actually fried (very quickly!)?

:) Barbara
Barbara L said:
Do you know that the "fried" ice cream in Mexican restaurants is not really fried, but is ice cream with some kind of coating, sitting on a sopaipilla, then drizzled with chocolate?

Do you know that sounds way too tempting before I've even had breakfast yet? :mrgreen:
Did you know I do not like to touch snow not even with a ten foot pole? and that's why I am glad Mom and Dad raised us in Texas?

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