Baking Chuckle of the Day

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Senior Cook
May 10, 2006
Greater Annapolis MD Area
I was serving Poppy seed chicken over biscuits. I made the chicken receipt and went to pull out the package of Pillsbury Frozen Dinner Rolls. Well, when I opened up the package all I had was 30 rolls stuck together, after unsuccessfully trying to break down the blob, I got the idea to just pop the whole mess in the oven, thinking it would turn to be some form of monkey bread, Wrong. As the Thing kept rising, I madly got out another tray and started dividing them. After madly dividing and flipping every 10 min. for an hour I had 2 trays cooked biscuits pancakes. The meal turned out alright, just I now have months worth of biscuits pancakes filling my freezer. Next time i think Ill take the biscuits back to the store.
LOL. Reminds me of the first time I went to make oatmeal cookies. Somehow the dough ended up mostly liquid. I kept adding and adding oatmeal in hopes of thickening it up, they still ended up runny as all get out!
cup cakes

years ago now, my dil was trying to make cupcakes in ice cream cones. they just oozed up and down on sides of cone. she used tub marg. instead of solid. we still laugh about it.


ps now my son does all the cooking at his house
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