Beer not worth buying

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Executive Chef
Aug 31, 2004
Raton,NM, USA
:cool: OK, Who has had a beer that they would never want to spend
another dime on much less drink it because it's free?
Whats the lowest you will go on drinking a beer you dont particulary like?
beer....good question....if its free ???? yep, if its free, Id take it. I wont spend my money on a lot of beers but if your offering im taking
jpmcgrew said:
:cool: OK, Who has had a beer that they would never want to spend
another dime on much less drink it because it's free?
Whats the lowest you will go on drinking a beer you dont particulary like?

If it's free, I'll try darned near anything. I am after all, a common sewer of beer.

As far as paying for, if I'm not somewhere where the choices are limited (like a carnival or something that likely has bud and bud light) then I'll usually go about as low as Miller Lite. Amber bock is a bit of a staple for me when I'm out to eat (it's not bad, and has good distribution). Pale ales are always a good choice for me.

I will admit to drinking "Grainbelt Beer" when it was free and I was young and poor. My husband says the worst he ever had was Blatz.
:) I like free or cheap beer but some will give me a splitting headache like Shaffears spelled wrong.I know other people that get bad headaches from certain beers after only one or two not from an all nighter.
In my younger days, I drank a lot of Lucky Lager. The screw tops had a little riddle on the inside, one that you could solve after imbibing six or seven. The best part was that you could buy a case for about $5.00.

Now, quality is winning over quantity. Henry Weinharts is about as low as I go.
Budweiser, blech, blech, a thousand times blech.

Could pick out Bud from a variety of beers and have.

Don't drink much beer anymore.

But how that swill has become what it is, I will never understand.

But then again,to each his/her own.
:) Dot,The reason alot of people drink this brand is because it is really cheap.Then again if thats all they can afford then thats all they can afford but if you read my earlier posts !
Hi jpmcgrew, have tossed a lot of beer down my gullet, and there were many times when the very inexpensive was all we could afford.

There were a lot of beers we could buy for less than Bud that were OK, not spectacular, but drinkable.

I like beer, but rarely drink it anymore.

But when I do, my preference is ales.

Once, on vacation in the UK, we found ourselves in a pub (ya gotta go potty once in a while and pubs are great places) that, in the cellar, had an ale festival.

OK, twist my arm, we had to go and see what it was all about.

Brewers from all over the UK had brought their kegs there and you could try their beers.

Even the better part of us liked the stuff.

Have found that people who say they don't like beer can often enjoy a very nice one.

Am not here to dump on Budweiser. The people who brew the rice into their concoction make a lot of money doing it. And if people want to drink the stuff, so be it.

Have done blind beer tastings, and can always nail the Bud.

Personally can tolerate most lagers put out, even very cheap ones, but Bud just has a flavor I cannot abide.
vyapti said:
The screw tops had a little riddle on the inside, one that you could solve after imbibing six or seven. The best part was that you could buy a case for about $5.00.

hah! you see, beer makes you smarter, and more frugal!

i will never again drink steel reserve, or any of those high alcohol content chemical flavored beers. (unless i have to...)

i think one advertises that it is made from pure ethylene glycol. mmmm, glyyyyycol.
Budweiser and drugs, just say no! Regardless of cost, or lack thereof. If all that is being served is Budweiser products, I'll be designated driver that night!
I really only like European-type beers, especially darks, because I like the "beery" taste. Even before light beers became so popular, I just found them too bland.

However, as far as beers that I've tried & nearly wanted my money back on, two come to mind:

"Rolling Rock" - for some reason, served in vegetarian establishments everywhere, this "brew", if you can call it that, is one tiny step up from drinking water.

"Kingfisher" - which is an Indian beer & which we had at a pricey Indian restaurant in Manhattan a number of years ago. I'll never forget our first sip, as well as my husband's immediate comment that it tasted like it had been made with water from the Ganges.
I am admittedly a beer snob. I actually write page long reviews or so of each beer I have and post them on the internet. :-p

Sadly, my family and most of my friends don't share this affinity for good brews. Also, I'm still in college which leaves me dry at most parties. Still, I can tolerate almost anything at the low, low cost of nothing.

Except Moose Drool. Never. Ever. Will I ever. Drink Moose Drool again.

It gets my vote for best box art though.
lol garett, box art. i particularly like the advert artwork from the long trail brewery, with their "pollenator" and "double bag" brews.

hey ronjohn, is box art a collectible or (at least for home brew dudes) of any interest?
Bucky I love the Double Bag art. Hilarious!

As for beer not worth buying, The lowest I will go generally is Heineken, not that I consider it a bad bear. It is just the lowest I will go.
Now if I am at a BBQ or something like that and all they have is Bud and Busche etc. then I will not turn up my nose, but you will never catch me wasting $ on brands like that.

My FIL on the otherhand, when you ask him what his favorite beer is he says "cold". :)
GB said:
My FIL on the otherhand, when you ask him what his favorite beer is he says "cold". :)

LOL! My Dad's favorite brand is "Whatever's on Sale".

As for the artwork, there are some very talented homebrewers out there who make up some incredible labels for there beers. I am not one of those homebrewers. Besides, I prefer kegs to bottles... :wacko:

Pretty much all light beers are not worth buying. They look like you know what and probably that "you know what" taste like those beers too. Sorry to say, but there are very few mass produced American beers that are worth bying all together. :(
I have to add a particular microbrew to the list as well...

Dogfish Head Pangea

Dogfish Head makes some great beers, I would not say the Pangea is one of them.

The concept is actually rather novel, they took ingredients from all over the globe, each continent. They used all of these ingredients in a single beer, to "recreate" pangea, the old super continent. The resulting beer was interesting, but far too busy. There were so many different things going on that they all kind of fought each other and got lost in the mix. In the end, I thought the beer was a disappointment.

I don't believe it's a regular production item, so I may not even have another chance to spend money on it, but I probably wouldn't even if I could.

John that is kind of an interesting concept. Do you happen to know which ingredients they used from each continent?

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