Behind the scenes of a cooking show

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Over the summer, I had the opportunity to go to the wine and cooking festival at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut. Here I had the pleasure to watch Jacques Pepin cook for an hour. Out of curiosity, I have been reading more about him on the internet, and came across this site/ link that shows the behind the scenes of what it takes to put on a cooking show. I enjoyed it, and hopefully you will too.


KQED: Jacques Pépin: Fast Food My Way: Behind-the-Scenes Slideshow
I'm almost afraid to click on that link.
I might find out there really are 15 people cooking behind the scenes :angel:
Holy smoke! They shot 26 shows in 10 days. That's 6 months worth at 1 show a week,
not a bad work schedule! LOL
When i was at the cooking show i was asking about it. He lives in Connecticut, but shoots the shows in San Francisco. So I guess its more convenient for him, and much more practical and economical just to do the shoots and get it over with. I like seeing the side that we dont get to see on tv, Which is why I loved seeing these cooking demonstrations live
Over the summer, I had the opportunity to go to the wine and cooking festival at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut. Here I had the pleasure to watch Jacques Pepin cook for an hour. Out of curiosity, I have been reading more about him on the internet, and came across this site/ link that shows the behind the scenes of what it takes to put on a cooking show. I enjoyed it, and hopefully you will too.


KQED: Jacques Pépin: Fast Food My Way: Behind-the-Scenes Slideshow

this glimpse inside the shows was very entertaining to say the least. thanks so much for posting it.:cool:
my dil worked for the Rachel Ray show as part of her college course when they all came to Houston for the bridal extravganza and was worked to the bone........she even had to iron her husband's outfit last minute and was warned repeatedly to be careful as it was very expensive........she said that Rachel could not have been more nice and appreciative............she was sweet to everyone and didn't act like a diva at all...........but my dil learned first hand what was involved in putting on a show like this and had far more respect for all people behind the scenes.............she ran her legs off and even had to drive some of the celebrities around Houston..........but she is glad of the experience...........

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