Bisquick pizza sauce recipe?

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Senior Cook
Jan 25, 2006
I had a recipe for very basic simple pizza sauce... that came in a bisquick booklet.. it was something like 8oz can of tomato sauce maybe garlic powder, and maybe oregano or italian seasoning.. does ANYBODY have the recipe? I am making MJ's pizza tonight :)
I have used just plain old canned tomato sauce, then sprinkled it with some garlic/herb seasoning and whatever else I'm in the mood for. It works just fine.
I usually do the same as Constance. You can use your favorite spaghetti sauce too if you wanted to.
I looked around on the net but couldn't find it. I do have a good recipe for sauce if you want it.
pdswife said:
I looked around on the net but couldn't find it. I do have a good recipe for sauce if you want it.

I also looked and looked, couldn't believe I couldn't find it, long ago there use to be a bisquick club that they send out in snail mail recipes and these little booklets that were like 20 or 30 pages or recipes with pictures, and there was a pizza crust ( which was icky LOL ) but the sauce was good, and I didn't bring those with me, when I moved to Canada.. I can't wait to get my cook books brought here! But I would love to see your sauce recipes, I broke down and bought a can of already made pizza sauce lol But, on a GOOD note, the recipe for the crust from MJ turned out GREAT! It was the most easy pizza crust I ever made, it was soo soft and so easy to work with, and cooked up great, even tho I did not find a pizza stone " yet". but I will pick one up probably when I make a trip back to Washington and I will pop into a safeway store.
Debbie, sorry I didn't see this sooner. To make pizza sauce buy a small tin of tomato paste and a small tin of tomato sauce. Mix them together in a small bowl and then add a tbsp or so of oregano and a tsp or so of onion powder. Add garlic powder and salt and pepper to taste and there you have it.

Where in Ontario are you?
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