Black Out Chocolate Cake

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Margi Cintrano

Washing Up
Jan 29, 2012
Both in Italy and Spain
:chef: Buonasera,

The Vet shall be arriving on Thursday morning, and thus, I am going to prepare his fave Black Out Chocolate Cake ... *** Photo to be posted tomorrow.


125 grams French creamy style butter or 1/2 cup
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar packed
2 eggs, well beaten
1 1/2 tsps. vanilla
90 grams dark cooking chocolate or 3 ounces
125 ml. hot water or 1/2 cup
2 cups All Purpose or Cake Flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda

166 ml. sour milk ( to sour milk: add a tsp. of lemon or vinegar to fresh whole milk and allow to stand for 5 mins. and blend well with whisk or electric mixer ( 2/3 cups )

See Frosting or Method of Confectioner´s I always use ...

1. cream together butter, sugar until light and fluffy
2. add eggs, one at a time, and beat well after each addition
3. add the vanilla extract
4. melt the chocolate, in the hot water in small saucepan over a low flame, and add a tsp. of lemon juice ( I use lemon juice fresh) or vinegar and allow to stand for 5 mins. and whisk well blended.
5. pour into two well buttered and floured 9 inch cake pans ( 23 cm. )
6. bake in 180 centig degrees or 350 farenheit degrees for 30 mins and spread the frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake


1/4 cup water ( 62.5 ml. )
2 tblsps butter or 40 grams
2 oz. ( 60 grams ) cooking chocolate melted
2 cups confectioner´s sugar mixture

1- heat together the water and the butter in a sauce pan
2- add the vanilla and the melted chocolate
3- add the confectioner´s sugar mixture and beat until the spreading consistency is creamy and smooth

Margaux Cintrano

Thanks. I have decided to go with your Moist Orange for the Vet´s arrival however.
We can always have black out ... I have made it a million times.

Or I shall bake both, and we can have the Moist Orange with Espresso and The Black Out for dessert ( I shall keep it hush hush ) ...

If it comes out as good as it sounds, I shall photograph it ! and Post it.

Have a nice wkend coming,
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Photo: Chocolate blackout Cake without frosting

Below is photo of blackout chocolate cake ... served with mascarpone as an alternative to the chocolate frosting which is much lighter during such high summer temperatures.


    123.8 KB · Views: 214
Margi, did you add cocoa or chocolate to your marscapone? That sounds like a great summer frosting!
L.B.: Sounds as if you could use an August vacation


:ROFLMAO: Sounds as if you could use an August vacation !

Have a wonderful summer.

Chopper mentioned in a PM that the cake came out wonderfully !

Kind regards.
Laurie: Thanks so Much for your flourless Cakes

Buon Giorno, Good Morning Laurie,

Thanks so much for your links ...

I shall definitely try your flourless cakes and keep you posted when we return to Madrid Capital, the 1st week of September ...

Gravy Queen uses gluten free flour, and I would like to try her walnut cake as well ... However, it is easier for me to purchase baking ingredients in the Madrid Capital at El Corte Inglés which is like a Macy´s Cellar, and has an enormous international supermarket and locations throughout Spain and Madrid ...

Gargano Peninsula is a great place to be on the sea, and The Farmer´s Market, the Docks for fresh fish, the tiny bakery for daily oven fresh loaves of local bread ... However, for supermkts., this is not the place !

Have lovely lovely August,
Ciao, Margi. ;)
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