Canning this year?

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I'm done canning tomatoes--if anyone lives near by in SE WI or northern IL, I have free tomatoes available, as much as you want right away, if you can pick them up. PM me.

Canned some mixed vegetables into pickles. Tomatoes red and green littles, red pepper strips, hot pepper rings, carrot half moons, a few green beans, fleshy cucumber w/skin, and cauliflower. 8 pints and a quart.
Bethzaring, I made some of the hatch chili enchilada sauce, it is quite zippy. Thanks for the recipe. I really like it. I even made some bell pepper enchilada sauce for the non-hot lovers here.


And I have a lot of pints and quarts of some zippy sauce too. I'm thinking of ways to dilute it when serving!

Made my first harvest of tomatoes today. I blenderize them with my onions, garlic, celery and carrots. Got 3.5 quarts that I will freeze....until I get enough for a canner load. Dh has set up an elaborate system to cover the tomatoes and green chile plants to try to extend the harvest. September 21 is the first average frost date here.
Bethzaring, you got your first harvest of tomatoes, yay! I wish you were closer and I'd give you gallons of tomatoes.

I want to tell you, I used your recipe recommendation for hatch enchilada sauce, also, for green peppers (bell) sauce because DH doesn't do hot. It is really good too, and it might be a good sauce to mix with zippy hatch enchilada sauce.

I'm canning pickled garlic today and then also making garlic butter/oil to freeze. We started with many cups (8) of garlic broken down into cloves. Then a quick boil in water for 1-2 minutes, then cooled in ice water/water. The skins slipped off--the work goes faster with two people. I'll probably can 6 jars (half pints) of pickled garlic, some to give away, then more processed garlic with butter/oil to keep in the freezer for the next year or two.

I keep saying I'M DONE CANNING but what I say doesn't really work, there is more canning every time I turn left or right.
Yesterday I canned up 13 pints of green tomato salsa and then we ate some last night, it is good. Then canned up more pickled spiced and pickled dill garlic, 9 more jars.
It should make cooking while working faster and easier. The chicken is cooked and moist and ready to go, so just put some in at the end of making lots of things.
Here's 32 recipes using cooked canned chicken.
I believe it to be a great idea.. I just didn't know that home canning of chicken was done.. I applaud you for doing so... :)
I believe it to be a great idea.. I just didn't know that home canning of chicken was done.. I applaud you for doing so... :)
Thank you Ross! We can ground beef, veg beef stew, tomatoes, green beans, corn, dried beans, ham and beans, pickled and fermented everything-garlic, garlic scapes, beans, cucumbers sweet and dill,gr beanc, jams and marmalades, green peppers, hatch peppers, enchilada sauce, caramelized onions, small whole onions, pizza sauce, salsa red and green, and ketchup. Then we go shopping in the basement pantry for food. :LOL:
I need to learn to can hot sauce, mustard, and maybe more condiments.
Last week I made my first harvest of tomatoes and froze 3.5 quarts of sauce. Today I made my second harvest and canned 7 quarts of veggie sauce and will can 7ish pints of chili sauce tomorrow. In today's sauce I blenderized onions, garlic, parsley, green chiles, dried celery leaves, oregano and basil, a bit of hot red chile powder, salt, pepper, and sugar, and then pressure canned it.

Here's today's sauce.


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I have my grocery list all made out. I am afraid to put tomatoes on it. Every person I know that planted them this year has yet to glean one ripe one from all their efforts. They are still sitting on the vines as green as can be.
That reminds me I have a bunch in the freezer I need to get done. Do you do bone in or out?

Boneless skinless thighs. I did have to bone out, skin off, just one 4 lb bag of thighs. Then cut in about 1 inch cubes, fill jar, 1 tsp salt, no added liquid. The raw pack. Pressure can for 90 minutes at 11 lb depending on your altitude.

I've read that you can also can bone in, and also you can do a hot pack, but I haven't tried either one.
I ended up with 9 pints of chili sauce and 1 quart for the fridge. I used the standard Ball canning guide recipe, except subbed green chiles for the green peppers.


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Got my chicken done. Cold pack bone in. I raise my own chickens to process but I can't turn down a good deal. These pre seasoned hind quarters we're on sale.IMG_20181003_165637.jpgIMG_20181003_174128.jpgIMG_20181004_061925.jpg
Jon-did you can it bone in? If so, when you use it, tell me about the texture and if it was easy to find the bones. Did you like it?
I did bone in. These are hind quarters so the bones will be easy to find. If I had done the breast meat I would have boned it out.
Thanks Jon. I'm planning on making the guys some egg noodles, cream sauce, canned chicken for meals early this week, so we are excited about trying it.
Jon, we did the boneless and I made enchiladas and my DH is in love with me, again. The canned chicken is awesome.

I finished out canning with cans and cans of peppers, hot and regular, whole, chopped, sauce, and peeled and deseeded.
Then some collards the other day.
Today 14 qts of canned red, black, and pinto beans.
All I want to do is fill some cans with pork when it goes on sale less than $1/lb boneless. Then, I hope I'm done.

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