Chicken Chronicles

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Congrats on the peeps! It would be nice, while you're taking the time for photos, to see some "mug shots" of the hens, so we can put a little feathery face to the name.
Here are the first baby pics with Momma (I think it is Prudence, but I'd have to see her with Eggatha to tell--I can only tell them apart if I can see their pants!) Four came out for photos. Don't know if there are more or not.


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I had to take pics to send to the DH (currently suffering in TX--he hates hot weather) for Father's Day. His hens are the buffs (one of which is Momma) and he is technically the owner of Rocky, the dad.
How exciting! and now we have little chickie stories to look forward to! :yum:
They are too little, they barely have personality, yet. I give you a week...:LOL::LOL:
DH comes back on Tuesday night. When he sees them, I think he'll be naming them...I know he wants to name a hen this age, it is impossible to tell which are males and which are females. The males tend to grow faster, and there is already one that is bigger--I'm naming him Rocky II.
DH comes back on Tuesday night. When he sees them, I think he'll be naming them...I know he wants to name a hen this age, it is impossible to tell which are males and which are females. The males tend to grow faster, and there is already one that is bigger--I'm naming him Rocky II.

I just want to hug them and squeeze them...
You can't squeeze them, but coddling them in the palm of your hand is fun...and the fine print on my new avatar is Obsessive Chicken Disorder! Didn't know it was a diagnosed condition!
CWS4322 said:
Here are the first baby pics with Momma (I think it is Prudence, but I'd have to see her with Eggatha to tell--I can only tell them apart if I can see their pants!) Four came out for photos. Don't know if there are more or not.

Awww. Adorable!

Congrats, Grandma!
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