Chocolate Syrup

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Assistant Cook
Oct 10, 2008
I wanted to make a quick hot fudge/chocolate syrup for my ice cream, and I think I did something wrong. Whether it was the cooking method or ingredients, what should I change for next time?

I used equal parts hot milk, packed brown sugar, and cocoa powder.
When a teaspoon of cornstarch wasn't thickening the syrup in the microwave, I took to the stove.
I think I let the concoction boil too long - it had reduced, and was a bit thicker than I wanted, but still fine. However, when I poured it over my ice cream, it hardened slightly into clumps (instead of a delicious smooth layer of a chocolate shell) - chewy and annoying, but not unpalatable.

Where did I go wrong?
Sounds like you "broke" the sauce. It shouldn't boil too long, otherwise it gets clumpy.
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DC is a great place to start. But when in doubt, go to the experts. Like Hershey's. They always have an answer for my of my chocolate questions. :angel:
Aunt Bea - I will definitely check those recipes out. Thanks!

Dawgluver - I like how you described my mishap. Definitely broken. So if I take care to watch the pot more, it should be fine next time around?

Addie - I actually never thought of that, thanks!
Don't boil milk, it will clump. That may be the problem. As Addie mentioned, you might want to check out the Hershey's site.
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