Coconut ginger cake

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
Easy one layer cake with a dense pound cake like consistency.

Oven 350

1 1/2 C flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp salt
1/8 tsp nutmeg

1 heaping T grated fresh ginger
1 tsp lemon zest
3/4 C butter
1 1/2 C sugar
5 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp rum extract
3/4 C coconut milk

Butter and flour an 8 inch spring form pan, cheese cake pan or other deeper pan.

1. Cream together butter, sugar, extracts, zest and ginger
2. Add eggs 1 by 1 and beat for 2 mins on high
3. Add coconut milk and combine.
4. Mix dry ingredients together and add in small quantities. mix to combine

Bake approx 50 mins.

Cool and cover with glaze.

To make glaze:
2/3 C coconut milk
1/3 C brown sugar
1/2 tsp powdered ginger
1 C chocolate bits or other 60 percent cocoa chocolate
Heat coconut milk and sugar to almost boiling. Stir to melt sugar. remove from heat and add ginger and chocolate. Stir until fully melted and shiny. Cool to room temp and pout over cake.

Cake Porn:
ginger cake 1.jpg

If you don't have a deep 8 inch pan use a 9 inch pan and reduce cook time


Pour cooled glaze over cooled cake


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This cake looks absolutely delicious,the only thing i will change is i wont use rum extract as i dont use liquors or wines etc.I'm sure it will still be good!
Tell us of ANY changes you might have made, Even the smallest one. And maybe we can troubleshoot.

I used 1tsp spiced rum instead of rum extract.
I might have over worked the butter & sugar. I got a phone call just before I started putting in the eggs. It lasted about 5 minutes while the mixer was on stir.
I used 1tsp spiced rum instead of rum extract.
I might have over worked the butter & sugar. I got a phone call just before I started putting in the eggs. It lasted about 5 minutes while the mixer was on stir.

Well, I tried it again with the same result. I wonder if five large eggs is too many for this small cake?
I'm sorry you're having trouble with this recipe.

In general you might have this result if the cake is overmixed and/or the butter is underwhipped.

Over mixing (after flour is added) builds gluten and undercreaming the butter/sugar blend doesn't add needed air to mixture. Also, be sure to beat a little after after each egg.

Once you begin adding the flour, mix as little as possible.

Here are some trouble shooting tips for cakes that might help : Butter Cake Troubleshooting - *Tested Recipe*

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