Condolences to Dove, her beloved son John passed at 2:40 Nov 13/07

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I talked to John this morning.
the Dr. said if the boys do match it would take a few months to get started and John would need to find a place to live for about 3 months. We thought Stanford U. had a place for John and Sandie to live..we were led to believe this up here. the social Worker said no so.
He is to start Chemo again on Monday. This will be the routine until a donner
is found. Dr. said it could be a year from now.
there is comfort in having people around you that love you. please pray and I'll do the same here. I am so sorry for you and your family, try to remain full of faith and strong...
I can't add to what is going on here, except to say that you, your sone, and your family are in my nightly prayers. I am behind you in the only way I can be.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Marge, words are far from my mouth because I don't know what to say. Please know, and I know you do, that I and we are praying for you and your family. Find your strength through us dear friend.
Now the Dr says it could take a year for a match..if then. and to continue with the Chemo. I don't thimk he can last a year with so much Chemo...

Thanks all of you with the Prayers and kind thoughts.
Marge, always remember that God has the final word. Doctors, as smart as they are, don't know it all, but God does.

Continued prayers for John.
John had a pass to go home for the 4th. He was very happy about that. One son made his favoriate banana Pudding and the other did BBQ Ribs. He had to be back by 8Pm but he was able to see the Fireworks at the Fair grounds through the large window in his room.
they start the chemo in the evening and next Am. then 1 day off and start again..Mon. Wed. and Friday. He thinks he might go home Sat. This is a lower dose so no headaches so far. He comes back in 4 weeks to do this all over again.
Thoughts and prayers continue. I'm glad he was able to go home and spend the holiday with the family.....that had to of boosted his spirits.

It's great that John was home on the 4th with his family. Continued prayers for all of you.
John went home today. No headaches or vomiting this time. They used a lower dose than before. When he does go to Stanford the dose will be very very high..Dr said he will be sicker than he has ever been.
The boys haven't been tested yet..Christopher's boss said if he took any more time off he would be fired.Something has to be worked out.

Sandie said he is eating every thing that doesn't move..just like he did when he was little. That is so good to hear because he just about quit eating there for awhile.
Wow, Marge. So good to hear John's eating again. That has to help him feel better.

Sounds as though Christopher's boss doesn't have a heart. Surely some solution can be worked out. I can't imagine the situation is so black and white.

Keep your chin up. Everyone's behind you all and here for you when needed.:)
Both of John's son were tested yesterday. Their blood would have arrived at Stanford today. I pray that one of them match...odds are 30% that it will match.
John sounds good on the phone.He says he is doing pretty good. He had his blood work done today and the Dr wants to see him next week.
Thanks again for your support.
Marge it's good to hear that John is eating well and got to spend the 4th with family. We will continue our prayers for you and your family!
Dove said:
John went home today. No headaches or vomiting this time. They used a lower dose than before. When he does go to Stanford the dose will be very very high..Dr said he will be sicker than he has ever been.
The boys haven't been tested yet..Christopher's boss said if he took any more time off he would be fired.Something has to be worked out.

Sandie said he is eating every thing that doesn't move..just like he did when he was little. That is so good to hear because he just about quit eating there for awhile.

Marge - I'm not sure how this falls into Christopher's job but check it out anyway - Employees Rights to Family and Medical Leave

It's good to hear that he is eating again. Prayers are always going out.
Any updates?

Any word about John? I'm new to DC but I'm so impressed at the outpouring of support from members for this member's son. I was faced with a similar situation years ago - long before internet - and I marvel at how an online community like this can reach out to each other in such a real way.

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