Dinner for Tuesday the 23rd

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GG, your lobster salad and rib eyes look amazing. :ohmy: Taxy, I sure could go for a plate of your grilled cheese sammies anytime! Great pics, ladies.

Everyone's dinners sound so good.
grilled chicken, grilled zucchini and summer squash, and steamed and then grilled corn on the cob. Perfect summer meal!
Not really sure yet, but I've got a zucchini left from the farmers market that's as big as my forearm and would really like to use at least part of it this afternoon. I figured I'd look through the fridge and see what's there - I'm thinking maybe a nice cool orzo salad with whatever other veggies I can find. Menu subject to change. :ermm: :)

That's what I ended up with. :yum: Shredded part of the zucchini (it's hard to see, but there's a lot there) used up some other veggies - dressed with Trader Joe's Romano Caesar dressing, and topped with toasted pine nuts and shredded Parmesan.


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We had a wonderful evening out after dinner for dessert and drinks. I had a pomegranate Cosmo and DH had a Manhattan. Then I had a flourless brownie with vanilla ice cream, fudge sauce and marshmallow creme while DH had bread pudding with whiskey sauce. Oh so good.


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GG, that's what I call a great date!

I have not been feeling well for some time and today was a good day amongst the grey. I have been on the sofa, mindlessly watching TV, trying to fell better.
I show this program were the young chef made a steak roulade, HMMM!

I defrosted a flank steak, beat the heck out of it to equal approximately 1/4 inch in thickness, filled it with spinach, sweet red peppers, loads of fresh minced garlic, crumbled some feta cheese and the ever present S&P.
Rolled it up, tied it up, put a bread crumb and horseradish crust on it, roasted it at 425 for about 40 minutes.
Served it all up for DH with roasted yukon gold wedges and succotash and a bit more horseradish on the side,
and bob's your uncle.

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DH loved it, said, "can you make this again?"
Sure sweetie.
Dessert was fresh blueberry crumb cake.

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GG, that's what I call a great date!

I have not been feeling well for some time and today was a good day amongst the grey. I have been on the sofa, mindlessly watching TV, trying to fell better.
I show this program were the young chef made a steak roulade, HMMM!

I defrosted a flank steak, beat the heck out of it to equal approximately 1/4 inch in thickness, filled it with spinach, sweet red peppers, loads of fresh minced garlic, crumbled some feta cheese and the ever present S&P.
Rolled it up, tied it up, put a bread crumb and horseradish crust on it, roasted it at 425 for about 40 minutes.
Served it all up for DH with roasted yukon gold wedges and succotash and a bit more horseradish on the side,
and bob's your uncle.

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DH loved it, said, "can you make this again?"
Sure sweetie.
Dessert was fresh blueberry crumb cake.

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That looks really good.

I hope you don't mind me giving a tip. Roll the roulade so the grain of the meat goes the "long way". Then when you cut the slices you are cutting against the grain and have only short strands of meat in each slice.
That looks really good.

I hope you don't mind me giving a tip. Roll the roulade so the grain of the meat goes the "long way". Then when you cut the slices you are cutting against the grain and have only short strands of meat in each slice.

What a great tip taxy, I should have known better, you're absolutely right!
This was a 2 pound flank that I had cut in half and froze individually.
I'll def do that the next time, also, DH mentioned as he fell asleep, no crust next time.
(it was tasty, albeit a touch tough, I thought :blush:)
That looks really good.

I hope you don't mind me giving a tip. Roll the roulade so the grain of the meat goes the "long way". Then when you cut the slices you are cutting against the grain and have only short strands of meat in each slice.

I do the same. makes for a more tender roast.

I like the stuffing you used. SO loves stuffed flank steak but we always end up with basic bread stuffing.
I do the same. makes for a more tender roast.

I like the stuffing you used. SO loves stuffed flank steak but we always end up with basic bread stuffing.

My darling husband asked me what I was making for dinner and I said
Steak Roulade ... his response was, "english please?" I told him,
"stuffed flank steak dear"

For myself, I am not a fan of bread stuffing, in anything.
I'm that weird dinner guest at the table that passes the Thanksgiving Stuffing dish to the next person ... ACK! Wet bread :yuk:
Although, I have developed a casserole stuffing that all of my family, including myself, enjoy. My younger non-cooking sister requested it with each holiday meal, her BF wasn't sure he was going to like it at frist, but we converted him.

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