Dinner Monday 18th February

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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I have a bunch of Eye of Round portions in the freezer that need to be used up so I am going to make up some stewed beef in tomato sauce served on pasta.


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We had http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f49/lindas-pot-of-pork-78867.html#post1127494, boiled potatoes, and http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f21/danish-red-cabbage-r-dk-l-roedkaal-69012.html#post948219. I am so glad that I can make up a batch of rødkål and have it handy for weeks.

Then, for dessert, we had Swedish inspired pancakes with berries and whipped cream. That turned out yummy.
I am so glad you once again refer to the red cabbage recipe. It has been highlighted before. I just never went to the original post. Actually, there are comments in both above recipes.

How crisp is the cabbage when served. I woud guess not much after the long simmer. I so rarely have red cabbage. They had cute sizes the other day at the market, barely noticeably bigger than a raddichio. My Gramma would be pleased if I should try this.
We had shrimp in a garlic/butter/white wine sauce with red pepper flakes. Basmati rice and steamed asparagus on the side.
rock and pag, i spent some while at both of your dishes--verrry appetizing! rock, your saucy pastas never fail to blow me away. pag, love the way your mushrooms and onions literally SMOther the chicken. bright veggies all around, you two....yumm
I am so glad you once again refer to the red cabbage recipe. It has been highlighted before. I just never went to the original post. Actually, there are comments in both above recipes.

How crisp is the cabbage when served. I woud guess not much after the long simmer. I so rarely have red cabbage. They had cute sizes the other day at the market, barely noticeably bigger than a raddichio. My Gramma would be pleased if I should try this.
You should give this a try. It's really handy to have in the fridge for when you don't feel like cooking vegis. :rolleyes: It also works as a garnish on sandwiches. No, it's not crisp like fresh cabbage, but I have had restaurant cole slaw that was no crisper. :ermm:

And, it tastes really good.

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