Dinner on August 23rd?

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
Nobody eating today?

I've got a pot of chicken corn chowder on the stove and we are having BLTs to go with. I'll likely do some kind of veggie with that as we are SWAMPED with veggies at the moment.

I'd like to bake a cake for dessert, but I can't decide on what kind! I've ruled out chocolate and lemon. Any suggestions?
Mmm Cake ! I would like a pineapple or peach upside down cake, please

Dinner tonight is marinated grilled chicken fajitas and I already am dabbling in a bowl of guacamole.
Kitchen's closed tonight. We're doing Chinese take-out tonight as we're off for a long weekend.
I am nauseated from IV anti-biotic so at the moment don't feel like anything. Thank goodness this is only a 3-day session.

DH said he will call before his break and if I want him to pick up something he can bring it then. :wub: He takes such great care of me!
Chinese style here. Not sure what to call it. Pork and veggies, with oyster sauce, sesame oil, topped with sliced almonds on fried noodles...


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Got home late, so I picked up a cooked chicken for chicken and noodles.
We will be having Hillshire Farms "Chicken Apple with Gouda Cheese Premium Smoked Chicken Sausage" cooked with sauerkraut, and served with baby peas. I tried this sausage when I was at my daughter's last year, and while beef will always be my favorite, they weren't bad.

Apparently people here were put off by the name (I probably would have been too if I hadn't already tried them) and no one was buying them. They had marked all of that variety down from $3.99 a package to $1.95. I bought all ten and put them in the freezer. Too good a deal to pass up, and as I told the cashier, with that type of meat, if you don't like it so much you can cover it with BBQ sauce or salsa and you'd never know. :LOL:
LPBeier said:
I am nauseated from IV anti-biotic so at the moment don't feel like anything. Thank goodness this is only a 3-day session.

DH said he will call before his break and if I want him to pick up something he can bring it then. :wub: He takes such great care of me!

Always nice to hear the wonderful way DH treats you. Hope you feel better soon.
Rocklobster said:
Chinese style here. Not sure what to call it. Pork and veggies, with oyster sauce, sesame oil, topped with sliced almonds on fried noodles...

You can call it anything you want. It looks wonderful.
We ordered pizza. I have a headache and I can't face cooking.

I am nauseated from IV anti-biotic so at the moment don't feel like anything. Thank goodness this is only a 3-day session.

DH said he will call before his break and if I want him to pick up something he can bring it then. :wub: He takes such great care of me!
I hope you both feel better now! :flowers::flowers:
I bought a full boneless pork loin yesterday at Sam's. I cut that into thirds. Cooked one and froze the other 2. Made hashbrown casserole (copycat from Cracker Barrel) and broccoli with cheese sauce.
barbara, your sausage actually sounds good. dw would jump at a "healthy" sausage.

rock, looks great. how about pork hao you (doin, lol).
hao you means in oyster sauce.

i had an interesting day. after only 2 hours of sleep, dw woke me up to report that my son's favourite goldfish died.
i had noticed the tank (within which are 3 pool comets, a fantail goldfish, and a red eared slider turtle) had gotten cloudy and rank yesterday, so i had planned on cleaning it today.

i was too late. one of the pool comets died polluting the water, also causing the fantail goldfish, "goldie", to kick the bucket.

so while dw kept the boy busy, i drove all over god's green earth to find another damn fantail that looked like goldie.

this is the second time that i've killed the little beast, so really this is goldie v.3.0, lol.

but i found one, and while the little guy was taking a swimming lesson at the "y", i cleaned the tank and got everyone, except "dancer" the pool comet, back into the tank.

i figured i'd break the news to my boy about dancer after dinner, sort of mitigating the real loss of two of his fish because i hadn't gotten to cleaning the tank appropriately.

when i told him, his eyes welled up and he ran downstairs to see if tuga the turtle, goldie, and the other goldfish were ok.

whew, disaster averted. we're having dancer's funeral tomorrow afternoon.

now, as i was cleaning the disgusting smelling tank, i managed to step on a"gift" that our outdoor cat (read stray that we had fixed, feed, and outdoor shelter) left for us. in bare feet my heel smashed a dead mouse, causing it's guts to squish all over. <<shiver>>

so, being completely grossed out, i passed on dw's buffalo burgers and sweet potato fries.

i'm only now able to get the thought of guts in my toes, and that smell of dead fish out of my mind.

dinner will be chinese takeout. no fish, no mice.
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lol, it ended well.

i had to come into work early tonight, so i found an empty sound/announcer's booth and dialed up the local pbs staion in nyc and listened to "la traviata" at 120 dB. :D you would have loved that kind of 5.1 power.

stress gone. now i'm hungry.

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