Dinner Plans for Thursday the 4th

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Picked up a really nice piece of swordfish and some asparagus at the market today so that's whats for dinner tonight. The asparagus will be steamed and the fish will be grilled.
Hotter than H-E-Double hockey sticks here. I closed the deli two hours early because the air conditioning couldn't keep up. I am taking the deep fryer outside in the shade beside the garage and frying up some dusted chicken wings. We have a load of fresh cukes and beans from the garden so I may just eat cold veggies with ranch or blue cheese dip....
Gee RockLobster, our AC has been off all day. We are having two strips of pork ribs done in the slow cooker. With our appetites both way out of kilter, I doubt we will eat anything else except some asparagus.

Gosh I wish I had a Weber Grill for charcoal. :angel:
Hot as Hades here as well. We have leftover chicken wings, beer cheese corn soup, homegrown cherry tomatoes, and other various and sundry leftovers. If anyone goes hungry here, that is not my problem.
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DG, I had leftover chicken wings too! Along with a Caesar salad. TB had chicken thighs, baked potato, cucumbers, and tomatoes.
Triple digits hot here today, so dinner was something that required next to no heat preparation.

We had grilled pork chops, fried yellow squash, cucumber spears, fresh tomato slices, and iced tea. Plenty enough for a hot day.

Used the griddler for the chops and it only took a few minutes to fry up the squash. Gonna have to find something chillin' for the next few days because the weather report on the evening news was NOT positive in the "cool" department.
Sea breeze kicked in this afternoon, so down to the mid 70's by dinnertime. Brined bone-in pork chops, green bean and potato salad with a dijon mustard dressing.
Picked up a really nice piece of swordfish and some asparagus at the market today so that's whats for dinner tonight. The asparagus will be steamed and the fish will be grilled.

Here's the swordfish in process. Tasted even better than it looks.


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Lamb lollipops rubbed with a paste of garlic, rosemary, S and P, and olive oil, grilled, with grilled zucchini, red bell, little roundish eggplants and thick sliced onions for the side.
Nice burger, Joey.

We ate up most of the leftovers. Himself was in the mood for the mashed potatoes with pork and sauerkraut, so I made a small salad for him. I used some leftovers and some fresh items in my dinner salad. I think I got the better end of the meal deal. ;)


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Nice burger, Joey.

We ate up most of the leftovers. Himself was in the mood for the mashed potatoes with pork and sauerkraut, so I made a small salad for him. I used some leftovers and some fresh items in my dinner salad. I think I got the better end of the meal deal. ;)

Karen forgot to mention the "Long Squash" we also had. From the google it may have originated in China, landed in Hawaii and spread to the Caribbean. The one we had was grown in Honduras. Sort of reminded me of a zucchini, but dry on the inside like an eggplant. It sure sucked up the olive oil like an eggplant. The eggplant itself was pear shaped with dark purple skin.

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