Dinner Saturday Jan 31?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I just put together a baked potato soup that I hope is light on the hot green chiles. Am off to visit my sister while it simmers.

What's cooking at your place?
What's for dinner this last day of January 2015?

Freekeh paella with clams, chorizo and almond aioli, from 1-2015 Bon Appetit. Thought we'd give Freekeh a try.
Chinese spare ribs. Unfortunately I could only eat one. But The Pirate was here and he made a dent in the rest of them. So nothing went to waste. I made some rice for him. :angel:
We're having seared scallops and roasted baby carrots with rosemary (thanks for the inspiration, Zagut!)
Made a big pot of chili with sausage instead of beef. Serving it with pretzel rolls, cheddar cheese and plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.
Breaded butterflied venison steaks....

We took care of our darling little Cheyenne grand daughter in our home today and I'm
whooped!! I haven't had a grandchild in 20 yrs and this Nana is feeling her age tonight.
What a joy she is though, and such a happy baby.
Dinner was take out Chinese after we saw the tail lights go down the street. Phew!
I threw a couple of chicken breasts seasoned with Penzy's Ozark seasoning into the sous vide cooker DH got me for Christmas. He's more enamored with the thing than I am, but I have to say it cooked some nice pork chops.

Trying a Gorgonzola broccoli casserole recipe with the limp broc I found in the fridge. and a salad from our little winter garden...sprouts and baby kale, arugula and mustard greens, along with a kumato tomato and avocado (and whatever else I find to throw in).
Great pics, Joey and powerplant! :ohmy: :yum:

I had a tuna melt on rye, and a cup of TJ's roasted red pepper and tomato soup.

Kay, how old is Cheyenne now - close to 2ish? I'm sure she kept you on your toes! :LOL:
Great pics, Joey and powerplant! :ohmy: :yum:

I had a tuna melt on rye, and a cup of TJ's roasted red pepper and tomato soup.

Kay, how old is Cheyenne now - close to 2ish? I'm sure she kept you on your toes! :LOL:

Thanks for asking Cheryl. Cheyenne had her first birthday in November, but because she was an under 4lbs preemie, didn't come home until Christmas eve last year. She still has some challenges at just over a year old now, but is pulling up with big smiles getting ready to walk in her own time.
Every time I read your signature I smile.;)
Bless her sweet little preemie heart. :wub: I remember a pic you posted of her last year, would love to see a recent one. She'll be running circles around everyone in no time. :LOL:

Thank you for your comment on my signature line. :)
I was going to get all fancy-pants and do turkey tenderloin roll-ups stuffed with an apple-cranberry-walnut stuffing. By the time I had pounded the tenderloins out and had cut out the toughest part of the tendon my pieces weren't big enough to roll nicely. :ermm: Plan B? I layered the turkey slices and stuffing into a casserole dish! Looked pretty, tasted yummy, so Plan B was a winner. We had fresh green beans with it. Would have had some jellied cranberry sauce, too, had I remembered it before I put the leftovers away! :LOL:


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Great pics, guys!

Kayelle, your comment made me chuckle! Just give Cheyenne a year or so, :ohmy:
last night I had for dinner a cold chicken leg & some cold roast potato & pumpkin Veg burgers, turkey franks, roast taters, some veggies, side salad, pickles.
and the fruit was organic as well plus
Drink orange juice

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