Dinner Thursday 7/1/10

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
B/S chicken breasts have been taken out of the freezer. Thats as far as I have gotten.

Whats on your menu?
have to us the chicken thighs i have defrosting in fridg. i might oven bake them with bbq sauce (homemade without salt)veggies of some sort. have a lot in freezer. no fresh, groceries tomorrow.left over sticky rice. not a clue on dessert.
Not sure. It is Canada Day but hubby got called to work. I was thinking of taking hot dogs up to the hospital for Dad and I. I'll get them from one of the many food carts scattered all over today.
I'm marinating a pork tenderloin in a black peppercorn marinade. Sides will be Spanish rice with tomato and bell peppers and a salad.
i'm grilling some lamb chops a friend gave me; she marinated them in yogurt, garlic, cumin and forget what else...will serve with a rice, broccoli and onion stir fry
I was going to babysit my friends' daughter and eat over there tonight, but WWIII broke out, and here I am at home. I might have beef taquitos again tonight.

Left overs here for me, box mac n cheese for SO.. I just wasn't inspired to cook.
Chicken was put on hold till tomorrow. I had a turkey breast and lettuce sammie on rye.
i deep sixed the yucky gummy rice. made scalloped potatoes instead. cut them very thin with mandolin, sure hope they get done . i have had problems before getting the potatoes. was hoping the thin thin slices will work better. i soaked them water for a while, it leech's some of the potassium i am told. and i am supposed to watch that. wish me luck that they are good.
Chicken was put on hold till tomorrow. I had a turkey breast and lettuce sammie on rye.
I made stuffed peppers with fruit on the side.

Since the farmers market had gorgeous piles of sweet "Cubanelle" frying peppers, of course I had to buy some. Sauteed them up last night in some extra-virgin olive oil along with some sliced Vidalia onions. They made a wonderful topping for the Shady Brook Farm's "Tomato & Basil" turkey sausages I cooked up & piled onto toasted garlic bread for "sausage & pepper subs". Delicious!! (And even better - there are leftovers for me to enjoy for lunch!)
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