Dinner Wednesday 9-25-2013 ~ Hump Day Home Cookin'...

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
...or take-out or dine-out. What are your plans? And what will you be eating?

I'm making a small pot of Asian chicken soup, salad, Barber chicken breasts stuffed with lobster and scallop stuffing (mostly bread, but still tastes good) and sauteed zucchini and summer squash because last night's dinner turned out to be plenty without cooking the squashes too.

IF I find some energy I'll bake a small apple pie. Got some Pink Lady variety to use that way and I'm running out of good-enough-to-use-them time. :ermm:
Just got home from the local "farm" where they have apple picking, hay rides and a hay bale maze for the kids. Grandson would still be on the hay bales running and jumping if I didn't divert his attention with the promise of some apple cider donuts in the farm store.

As I don't feel like starting a big dinner, we're having burgers on the grill and a salad tonight.
The yungun requested meatball subs last night but I didn't have all the fixin's so I made sure to get the stuff when I went to the grocery store. So that's what we'll have for supper tonight.
More shepherd's pie and maybe some soup from the pressure cooker to round things out.
Hmmmmm....well, let's see. It goes sort of like this. We were going to have leftover fried chicken from last night but, this morning, Glenn suggested we go to Paris. So we did.

Paris, Tennessee, that is. While there we stopped at our favorite barbecue place and gobbled up a couple of their awesome sandwiches and, of course, had to come home with a nice, big slab of their barbecued pork ribs.

So, tonight's supper will be barbecued ribs, homemade baked beans, slaw, iced tea, and zucchini bread. No doubt, we'll be nicely satisfied.
Good thing you included dining out and carry out, CG, as so many of our members lead busy lives when it comes to home cookin'.

Me, I have no life, so it's home cookin' here. I plan on making the dinner I was going to make last night tonight, only tonight I'm calling it creamed chicken over mashed potatoes :) The sour dough bread disappeared this morning when I reheated my Viking porridge and put three eggs on top :pig:
I made "Spicy Tuna & Chickpea Patties" today. They were okay, but nothing special. I also made a "Salted Honey Fudge and Chocolate Tart" which was a lot more effort but it came out pretty well. (Apart from the honeycomb that was supposed to decorate the top - that was a total failure!)
I made a little potato bowl on my plate for the creamed chicken.
Yay. Only two tries to upload the pic tonight :glare:


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I cooked in my basement lair tonight because Mamma came here and I was to be needed close to my computer.

I fixed broiled sirloin steaks, gravy, steamed fresh peas and stuffing instead of potatoes.

It was very good! The steaks were very light pink in the middle of them. I put a rub of black pepper, minced garlic, rosemary, onion powder and sage over them and cut into the meats so I could rub this into them.

DA was very happy with this!

Mamma, I know you will be looking of my postings. DA said I did very well with this.

Your friend and love to Mamma,
Still feeling under the weather, so we ordered out again. I ordered to pork souvlaki sticks and a large tzaziki. Stirling had the two giro pita platter. It was pretty good. No, I didn't eat all the tzaziki yet. Stirling brought me a bag of tortilla chips and I'll use it as dip. :pig:
Still feeling under the weather, so we ordered out again. I ordered to pork souvlaki sticks and a large tzaziki. Stirling had the two giro pita platter. It was pretty good. No, I didn't eat all the tzaziki yet. Stirling brought me a bag of tortilla chips and I'll use it as dip. :pig:

I wish we had a Greek place to order from. I love souvlaki and tzatziki. :yum:

(Hope you feel better soon TL).
Yes, hope you get to feeling better soon, Taxy!

Long afternoon of meetings. We had redskin potatoes boiled with green beans, served with Gruyere, green onions, sour cream and butter.
Still feeling under the weather, so we ordered out again. I ordered to pork souvlaki sticks and a large tzaziki. Stirling had the two giro pita platter. It was pretty good. No, I didn't eat all the tzaziki yet. Stirling brought me a bag of tortilla chips and I'll use it as dip. :pig:

I am sorry you do not feel well. Your dinner sounds to be very good! I hope you feel better very soon.

Your friend,
Yes, hope you get to feeling better soon, Taxy!

Long afternoon of meetings. We had redskin potatoes boiled with green beans, served with Gruyere, green onions, sour cream and butter.

This sounds very good!

Your friend,
Yes, hope you get to feeling better soon, Taxy!

Long afternoon of meetings. We had redskin potatoes boiled with green beans, served with Gruyere, green onions, sour cream and butter.

Yum! Is there any better combination than potatoes, onion, cream and butter? :yum:

(Actually, thinking about it, and I think Pac may agree with me here, the only thing that would add to that wonderful dish - is some bacon!) ;)
DH is doing the cooking again tonight. (he is off work with a strained back, it has improved enough to cook ;). ) apparently we are having beef sausages boiled redskin potatoes with onion gravy served with steamed cauliflower. I believe I will have a glass of wine, while waiting for the main course. :). Dinner is late because I worked late.
Interesting that several people have mentioned "redskin" potatoes.

I am a fan of "Desiree" potatoes (which are red-skinned). But obviously there are many variations of potato in existence.

When you guys say "redskin" is that a particular variety, or a general term?

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