Do chicks really dig scars

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts. you need special shoes to help with balance? I have always heard that losing toes could affect that?

Everybody told me I was going to have a lot of trouble with balance, but it hasn't been much of a problem - except, of course when I've been silly enough to overindulge in adult beverages.:rolleyes:
There wasn't anything left to reattach. I'm missing all but the two outboard-most toes on my right foot.
Oh man Buck, that's terrible. How old were you at the time?

Well, as far as this thread is concerned, I think that unless John Wayne Bobbit posts, you definitely win!!!
Oh man Buck, that's terrible. How old were you at the time?

Well, as far as this thread is concerned, I think that unless John Wayne Bobbit posts, you definitely win!!!

I was about twenty five. Old enough to know better! And no, thank you, I have no desire to compete with Mr. Bobbit! The lengths some people will go to to win are truly astounding:LOL:
Katie and Buck - I love you guys!!! Ya'll must be a blast to hang out with. Hey Buck, do you ever ask inebriated friends "How many toes am I holding up"?
Ok Buck, I got to ask.......did you search the yard later looking for your toes? Where did they go?

One of my friends finished cutting the yard for me. He told me some time later that he found a piece of something he thought might be a toe, but he knew it would be of no value so he discreetly slipped it into the trash. He didn't want to upset my wife. (Not Katie - my first wife who shall remain nameless as I don't want to be reminded of her).
Katie and Buck - I love you guys!!! Ya'll must be a blast to hang out with. Hey Buck, do you ever ask inebriated friends "How many toes am I holding up"?

Not a bad idea! I'll have to try that at our next party!
Although finding someone inebriated around here is going to be a challenge. We live smack in the middle of the Bobble Belt.
haha. dang.. well a few months ago a flag pole hit me in the face and i had to gt 120 stitches. ill find the pic of the flag pole to show you how it was set up and ill tell the story
Ok here is the picture of the flag pole. THis is how it happened.

It was a girls birthday and i asked her out. she said yes and to pick her up from work at 3pm. I pick her up at 3 and we head to my house. I live 3 minutes away from her work. The brick you see in the bottom left corner is about two feet high. its part of the wheel chair ramp for my mom. I usually jump onto the brick and then jump to the door. its faster than walking up the stairs. This time, how ever the flag pole was there and it never has been. So when i ran out of my car and jumped onto the brick and jumped off i didnt see the pole and it impaled me in the throat. it went right down me mouth and close lined me. After i came too, the top part of me lip was busted open. My dad comes running out and looks at me and im laughin my butt off for being so smooth in front of my date not realizing the actual damage to my mouth. There was blood all over the front porch. So my date comes running in almost in tears and asking what happened. I told her its no big deal, its your birthday so lets go to dinner. so i went and washed my mouth out and screamed in pain. i pull down my lower lip and my gums from top to bottom are missing and the roots of my teeth are all exposed. i could see the hole in my check were the pole hit it and the nerves that were stretched. So my date comes in and sees the damage and then i go to the ER for 4 hours while i get 100+ stitches and new gums. The doctor said i was very lucky i did not snap my neck or lose any teeth. the only damage i have now is that im still a little numb in my lower check.. Never did make it to dinner though.


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Men can be emotional and chatty, and women can be sullen and withdrawn.

If anyone doesn't believe that men can be emotional, they've never seen one watching a football game! And chatty? When DH and his friends call a staff meeting with Mr. Bud and Mr. Weiser, I know they're not all sitting sullenly at the bar. No, they're gossiping about their day at work :rolleyes:
I wouldn't recomend anyone using superglue to fix cuts. My ex-boyfriend did that when he sliced his thumb on a broken window and didn't have any insurance. Now he has an ugly bump on the side of his thumb where the superglue was. Every now and then he gets it caught on something and tries to rip the bump off. He hates the way it looks. The superglue did heal however. Guess it's up to you if you don't care what it looks like!
I wouldn't recomend anyone using superglue to fix cuts. My ex-boyfriend did that when he sliced his thumb on a broken window and didn't have any insurance. Now he has an ugly bump on the side of his thumb where the superglue was. Every now and then he gets it caught on something and tries to rip the bump off. He hates the way it looks. The superglue did heal however. Guess it's up to you if you don't care what it looks like!
You're right, krichardson, if it's not done right, it can leave a bump. One of my sons has fixed a couple of cuts himself since he's moved from home and one is a little lumpy. It's very hard to to this on yourself neatly, especially if it's on your hand. But he had no insurance either and didn't want to pay for an ER trip.

A surgeon showed me years ago and said that while the glue won't hurt you, it doesn't absorb into the body so you don't want to put it into the cut or it will heal with a lump (and burn like fire for a second). You align the edges of the cut carefully and then put the glue in a thin line on the top of the skin, holding it firmly until it dries. After it dries, you can put butterfly bandages on top also if it's in a place that bends a lot. But obviously it's for lacerations that aren't really serious. If in doubt, always see a doctor.

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