Does anyone dress vintage?

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'Just a sergeant'? No such thing....:cool:

I am grateful that I was an army child at what was probably the end of the 'British Raj' period.... we lived well and it has given me wonderful memories.
When my mom and dad bought their first home in the States in (Michigan), I remember that our home was always so spotless. My mom would do all her housework and then have a bath and put on something nice. She had really nice clothes, lovely classy things. The other women in the neighborhood didn't like her very much, they thought she was snobbish. None of them ever dressed nicely. Funny enough, my mom wasn't a snob, she was just really shy. She behaved the way she did because that's what her mom taught her to do. At 13, I understood this was different, and as much as I wished my mom would "fit in", I used to feel so fiercly protective of her - I'd look at those other women in the neighborhood with their shorts and fat bums and sneakers, no make-up, drab hair, and think my mom was so lovely! She always carried starched handkerchiefs. We'd iron together - I had a little one that actually worked (it was probably an old one they didn't throw out yet), and my mom would let me press the easy things. She always ironed our sheets and put lavender in the linen cupboard.
I'm so jealous! I have several friends who dress vintage and rarely buy new clothes, period. I love to shop with them. But I'm a very tall, not thin woman .... as Mom says, "they didn't build them like you (referrring also to my sisters) in those days." But I love the look, be it Victorian or 50s. 60s .... well, I lived through the hippie days, so am not quite so attracted to the looks once you hit tie-dye!
I don't know how old you are, Sandyj, but my mother ALWAYS, and i do mean ALWAYS, looked at the clock at around 4 or 5 p.m., then went and cleaned up, put on lipstick, styled her hair, changed into a clean dress, gave herself a spritz of perfume. When Daddy came home, Mommy looked like all the work she did all day long (my dad's a retired military sergeant, believe me, Mom worked her fanny off) was nothing, even though she probably made the dress herself, baby-sat half the neighborhood children, took in a load of ironing, and certainly made a hearty dinner for the six of us. I'm glad you take pride in your mom, I sure do. And, yes, I learned to iron by starching handerchiefs!
Vintage in my case would either Masai traditional or something from my mum's side of the family which was basically a sisal skirt and sandals made from cowhide, nothing else(well accessories like bangles and necklesses) Could be a real cause for traffic jam. The 'Kitenge' is not as authentic, but it was what came up when we had to cover our body's . So I have quite a few and come summer, They are great.Will try and post what a Kitenge looks like later. masai1.jpg
I love the look of Victorian, antebellum, etc.; wonder how our grandmothers coped with all the pettiskirts and such!! Vintage to me is beaded buck-skins. Before I got burned out on making beadwork, I used to make custom-authentic buck-skin outfits. Wish I had kept those that I made for myself; couldn't fit in them now, lol!! Still have all my beadwork stuff, hopefully I can teach my grandchildren how to do it someday.
Piccolina said:
Mourning jewellery, though sad (if you think about it's meaning) is soooo beautiful. I've always been on the look-out for some, but haven't encountered any yet in my price range. Is your's made from real jet, Sizzlin? (I really like cameos and other Victorian jewellery too.)

Yes Pic they are made from real jet. I've finally had to restrain myself when I see pieces for sale. However, I can't pass up pieces I find at estate or rummage sales when people haven't a clue as to what it is but price it so low its almost like stealing. I have a wide range of jewelry pieces and I love them all. Its amazing what a colorful multi strand necklace will do for just a shirt and jeans. I have an amazing blue crystal necklace that I find myself reaching for the most though.

Jkath...........the only way you'll see me in CA is by way of car.....I def. don't fly but would love to shop with you should I ever do make it to your area. Who knows one of my best friends son just moved near Hollywood so we may take a trip sometime. I'll probably have to be tranquilized and forced to fly though....:)

I can't remember who brought up the tie dye shirts but those I truely have to say are and will always be a fashion don't. I finally broke my husband as he would find himself drawn to them if we were at flea markets. Def. a What Not To Wear piece of clothing.

Another thing that I've had to restrain from is vintage coats/jackets. I only have so much closet space. But I saw an amazing jacket the other day at a thrift store and I'm kicking myself for not getting it. I may drive over this Wed. and see if they still have it though. Probably shouldn't but in the end I know I will.
I’ve always admired people who can shop for vintage clothes. I like looking at it, but I just can’t do it. I don’t have the patience to shop in vintage stores…. I don’t even have the patience to shop at bargain places!! I wear a lot of designer clothes, but my style is pretty “plain jane.”
We dress in vintage clothes from the 1920's for some of our car club activities. We are members of the Model T Ford Club . Two of our cars are 1926 Model T's, a touring & a roadster, also have a 1922 roadster but don't have clothes for the period yet. I have a flapper dress & hat & hubby wears a red bow tie & sleeve garters.
We dress in 1920's costumes for some of our car club events. We are members of the Model T Ford Club. Our costumes are from the 1920's era, hubby wears red sleeve garters with a long sleeved white shiet & a red bow tie. I have a flapper dress & hat.
I told my dh I needed to buy a new swimsuit - the elbow and the knees were worn out in my old one. He didn't think that was funny.
I was watching an old black & white movie recently and I noticed that EVERY man was wearing a hat. They showed a crowded street and everyone was wearing one.

Now there might be a couple, but only if they're into the 'vintage' clothing thing.

What caused the DEATH of this trend??? Anyone know?
Jack Kennedy was the one who really shot hat sales in the foot. I noticed since the weather has been so hot even the Jaguar coach is wearing a straw hat these days.DH always wears one playing golf (at least in the summer). I enjoy seeing clothes from almost any time except the 70's. That had to be the ugliest both in style and color of any time I remember...colors that flattered no skin tone and styles that were as bad.
i watch ALOT of Korean dramas and I love the vintage Korean dresses. I would love to take a picture in one of those beautiful dresses with the huge braided head piece, or in a kimono with the powdered face and red lips.
Do it, seester! and share the photos with us.

licia, I think you are right about the JFK thing. Our first "sexy" president. I missed the icky polyester 70s clothes at the time by being an unreconstructed hippie that didn't fit in anywhere anymore. (Not that that style was going to last much longer...)
Only to excess! My favourite period is Victorian. Most of my going out wardrobe consists of corsets, bustles, long skirts, gloves, hats, and parasols and boots. I dabble in Edwardian as well....long velvet gowns, free flowing as opposed to the constriction of the victorian era. I've got a few early 1900 pieces as well. I draw the line at the 1930's.

Every year my boyfriend and I go to Cape May's Victorian week festivities. Aside from those who own property or participate in the features, I seem to be the only one in complete attire. It does help with getting the best tables in the restaurants, however.

I believe I was never meant to be living in this century.
Aye ... I wear my Kilt in the summer for the games ... a bit too breezy to go regimental in the dead of winter ....

But, perhaps I misunderstood ... is this about "heratage" or a "costume party"?
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