Going MIA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
PF took the "'bout time" right out of my...fingers. Nice to have you back, K-Girl. Now WHERE are you off to next, young lady? *tapping foot*

And WHAT is this about a "birthday"? Why did we not know about it beforehand? Happy Birthday to you, K-Girl, and many more.

:LOL: We have another Road Trip planned - Carson City and some other stops of interest along the way and back again, but that's later, we just want to sit and rest right now :) it's tough getting old ...

As to correcting my profile, :huh: I tried that, but I couldn't get it!!! oh well ...
...As to correcting my profile, :huh: I tried that, but I couldn't get it!!! oh well ...
Once logged in, click on "User CP" in the upper-left section of a page. That will take you to the "User Control Panel". The first section on the left is "Your Profile" with "Edit Your Details" the first option. Click on "Edit Your Options". The second section of that page will give you options as to how much or little birthday information you want displayed. For me, I have "Display only Day and Month of Birth". Once you select what you want to share, scroll to the bottom of the long page and click the "Save Changes" box. You should be good to go.
Just thought I would let you all know I am alive and kicking - though I don't do too much kicking as it hurts!

The diabetes diagnosis turned out to be a false alarm though I am borderline so must stick to the diet but don't need to go on medication at this time.

I was sick with pneumonia for over a month but was too stubborn to go see a doctor. Once I did I had to go to the ER and they almost gave me an antibiotic in the tetracycline family. Last time I had that I was 12 and down with bronchitis. I ended up in anaphylactic shock and rushed to the hospital. My chart states it as a severe allergy but I don't think he even looked at my chart. It and the bronchitis and kidney infection that followed are all good now.

I made a simple "J" birthday cake last week for a young woman in the dog park and she was very pleased. I am waiting for pictures as I forgot to take them but will put on in the cake album on my profile

Writing jobs are still keeping me busy and out of trouble.

I miss you all and hope I will be able to get here more often soon.
Hi guys, I'm still here.

Lyd, glad to hear you're still baking, and I hope things are looking up.

I've been on vacation 4 of the last 7 weeks, so I do my best to unplug and spend more time getting stuff done, spending time with my family, and travelling. We've been to Sanibel Island, Rehoboth beach, and Lancaster, Pa. this summer; all great trips. I'll post pics soon.

Rock, I'm still waiting for you to visit us. If you get here before October, my boat will still be on the lake and we have planty of room for you and yours.

Actually, I'm hoping to hook up with Tattrat in October.

And I just missed meeting Casey twice this summer. Hopefully, next time the tumbleweed he is blows through.

And you need to make a road trip to Joisey, K-girl. We have lots of roads, but very few Hawaiians. :)
Thank you, Lyd and K-L.

I'l learn some new jokes. honestly

So, you know you can't run through a campground.
You can only "ran" through a campground because it's always past tents.

Speaking of tents/tense, I went to my doctor and said I keep having nightmares about wigwams and teepees: wigwams and teepees.

He said it's obvious, "You're two tents."

When I was a kid in Catholic school, I once told our priest that I knew the secret to making Holy Water.
You just boil the hell out of it.

They asked me t become a priest.
...I've been on vacation 4 of the last 7 weeks, so I do my best to unplug and spend more time getting stuff done, spending time with my family, and travelling. We've been to Sanibel Island, Rehoboth beach, and Lancaster, Pa. this summer; all great trips. I'll post pics soon...
Glad to hear you finally got to take a break before you dropped from your crazy work schedule! Gotta grab every precious family moment you can. I hope you avoided the no-see-ums at Sanibel, and stopped at an Amish bulk food store for goodies in Lancaster
I know Addie's been unwell, but has anyone heard from her lately? I was just wondering.

Yeah. I am back. I posted in the wrong place last night. But then I had a heck of a time trying to post even my name. If one of the Admins can find my post, please send it to the Sick Room where it belongs.

I came home late yesterday afternoon. Today I am spending the whole day dealing with the loss of my leg. My social worker told me to take time and mourn the loss of my leg. Excellent advice. I just wish I could stop crying. This is one time in my life I do not want to be that strong person that anyone and everyone can turn to. It is my turn to have someone care about me.

Thanks for asking for me cj.
Yeah. I am back. I posted in the wrong place last night. But then I had a heck of a time trying to post even my name. If one of the Admins can find my post, please send it to the Sick Room where it belongs.

I came home late yesterday afternoon. Today I am spending the whole day dealing with the loss of my leg. My social worker told me to take time and mourn the loss of my leg. Excellent advice. I just wish I could stop crying. This is one time in my life I do not want to be that strong person that anyone and everyone can turn to. It is my turn to have someone care about me.

Thanks for asking for me cj.

Addie, I think that sounds extremely reasonable to me.
I also hope that you have a professional to help you through to the other side. I'm certain that there is a pot of gold ;)
Addie, I think that sounds extremely reasonable to me.
I also hope that you have a professional to help you through to the other side. I'm certain that there is a pot of gold ;)

Yeah. My social worker and doctor have been a tremendous help in getting me to the other side of this mental blockage I have given myself.

Pirate suggested I name the stump. I did. Remember on "Leave It To Beaver" the oldest son had two friends. Eddie Haskell and do you remember his other friend? He was overweight and his real name was Clarence. But that is not what his friends called him. So I have named my stump after "Lumpy." And when I find the going too rough, I yell at Lumpy to stop playing around with the ghost pain.
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I came home late yesterday afternoon. Today I am spending the whole day dealing with the loss of my leg. My social worker told me to take time and mourn the loss of my leg. Excellent advice. I just wish I could stop crying. This is one time in my life I do not want to be that strong person that anyone and everyone can turn to. It is my turn to have someone care about me.

Thanks for asking for me cj.

Addie, I'm so sorry to hear that. You're in my thoughts and prayers for the foreseeable future. You're absolutely right, it is your turn to have someone to worry about you and care for you. If there's anything I can do, or if you just need to vent, send me a PM.

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