Great News for Toasters!

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Now your toaster can multi-task just like your other appliances.
pizza toaster.jpg
I don't think it would work so well with my toaster. This isn't exactly my toaster, but close. I think the pizza pieces would slide out.

That's a cool idea. I have an old toaster. I hope those little wire things that hold bread upright don't tangle in the melted cheese and toppings. Rats!!! I can smell a burnt mess already. Sorry little toaster who has served me toast ever so long!
I used to use my toaster, but once I got the Toaster Oven and space became more of a priority on the counter top, into the cupboard it went. Now here, think it's in storage somewhere or I gave it away.
I've seen those bags, technically they should work (they're parchment paper, right?), but I still think sandwiches, etc. would slide to the bottom of the bag.
Do you know anyone or has anyone here ever used them?
A standard toaster is designed to operate standing up. The elements get very hot and without convection and escape the heat cannot dissipate. It rises up and out of the toaster. You know this as everyone has put their hand above a toaster while it toasted.
If its on its side there is virtually no escape and will lead to element failure or if the toaster is equipped an over temp shut off.
I wouldn't do it unless the manufacturer says it can operate on its side or you just don't care.
Aww, com'n, it was just a joke. I hope everyone here has the sense not to try it. Or if they do, like you say - they just don't care if it goes kapooie.
Actually I knew a few guys, while in their teens, tried crazy things that made you shake your head in wonder.
Aww, com'n, it was just a joke. I hope everyone here has the sense not to try it. Or if they do, like you say - they just don't care if it goes kapooie.
Actually I knew a few guys, while in their teens, tried crazy things that made you shake your head in wonder.
Yeah, I took it as a joke ;)
But some crazy ideas actually work. Sometimes
Aww, com'n, it was just a joke. I hope everyone here has the sense not to try it. Or if they do, like you say - they just don't care if it goes kapooie.
Actually I knew a few guys, while in their teens, tried crazy things that made you shake your head in wonder.
I figured it was a joke too, but it's just plausible enough that some people might try it. I appreciate Roll_Bones' explanation of why it would be a bad idea to try that.

Talking about doing crazy things with toasters, my F-I-L once cooked, or tried to cook, an egg in a toaster. :ohmy:

Okay, it was the kind where the sides flap down, known as a "flopper toaster". He heated up a flap and cracked an egg onto it. I don't know how well that worked, but he was in big trouble with my M-I-L. :ROFLMAO:
LOL, putting a toaster sideways to use makes more sense than trying an egg in a toaster like that.
the one I had at the cottage was like that, best toast EVER.
You could not have done an egg on the side as there was an cut out design on mine. I believe my grandma's was a solid side though.
Talking about doing crazy things with toasters, my F-I-L once cooked, or tried to cook, an egg in a toaster. :ohmy:

Okay, it was the kind where the sides flap down, known as a "flopper toaster". He heated up a flap and cracked an egg onto it. I don't know how well that worked, but he was in big trouble with my M-I-L. :ROFLMAO:
I'm still using one of those ;)
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