Guess what this is a photo of!

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wooden incense burner, but you said it`s nothing to do with smoke or fire starting.
is it for making Paint from minerals?
and then maybe to use it as a type of Roller brush/wheel for body art?
OR, how a gunpowder dispenser, for laying a line of black powder in a trail along paper to make Quickmatch fuse, probably Chinese idea/origin.
YT - it doesn't really 'dispense' anything and it is a very simple tool that has one function. It is Asian in origin, but not Chinese.
or is it for Line marking?

you pull a string through the charcoal, pull the string tight between 2 points and close to a surface, then you "Twang" the string and the charcoal comes off leaving a line.

edit: nevermind I think that`s what Expat meant before me.
expatgirl's got it. I did not make this tool - had it a long time and I do use it. It's a Japanese marking tool used like a chalk line. The black in the middle is an ink soaked piece of raw wool and the line is a fine thread of silk. The handle on the left is actually a pin attached to the silk thread. The thread goes through the ink as it is pulled out and - YT's right - TWANG and you have a straight, very fine line. Called a Sumitubo - Your turn expatgirl!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I am totally speechless----I was pulling rabbits out of the hat when I posted that guess---I just remembered my hubby doing this when we were first married and impressed with the line that it made. But it looked NOTHING like yours, Featherblu. It made a blue line but it was already chalked before it came out of the measuring tape. Give me a day or two before I can find a picture that you all can guess in 5 secs. :) Thanks for the high fives!
You guys and gals can play with this for the time being.......


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