Has Anyone Seen the new Dinner: Impossible?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I watched the season premiere of Dinner: Impossible last night (here in Canada anyway, it might have been on for awhile in the US) and they have changed it quite a bit.

The host is now Michael Symon, the latest Iron Chef, and the opening doesn't have any of the "spy" theme that the original with Robert Irvine did.

There were two back to back episodes and I have to say that I like him, but it is completely different. He takes a more laid back approach and a "am I really sure I can do this" attitude and just sort of has fun.

I loved Irvine, but found in some of the last episodes he was getting pretty irritating.

Any comments?
I think I will pass on making chocolate covered bacon with almonds as a gourmet dessert though, no matter HOW good they said it tasted. Makes me glad I can't eat chocolate!
LOL! I was thinking that the bacon might be the next thing I take to a pot luck,
sounded pretty darn tasty to me.
He whipped out some other tasty looking "Boardwalk" foods too. That pizza looked
good too!
I think he is a lot better chef than Irvine would ever dream of becoming. It's a better show now.
LOL! I was thinking that the bacon might be the next thing I take to a pot luck,
sounded pretty darn tasty to me.
He whipped out some other tasty looking "Boardwalk" foods too. That pizza looked
good too!

It all looked good. Even though he was rushed, he never really panicked and came out with real quality food. I would love one of those shrimp corn dogs or the gazpacho slush with lobster!

As for the bacon, what is it with using it for dessert? In the finale of Top Chef, Richard made a bacon ice cream and got rave reviews from the judges.
I was pretty surprised when I saw they changed the show (its been on here for a little over a month now) I liked chef Irvine for that show a little better only because I see Michael Symon being better for something else. But I guess if they HAD to change hosts due to a problem they were having (haven't heard of what the issue is) then I think Michael is a good replacement. Maybe I was just use to Chef Irvine...?

I don't know if I need to put this somewhere else or if I can just bring it up real quick...what is with the Food network using the same concepts with different stars....exp. the new "Where did that come from?" ummm wasn't that done before??
as well as the new Nealy show where they are traveling around.....can't they come up with some Fresh ideas?? Did they fire all their writers or something??:ermm:
Since it had kind of gone off-topic (who lies on applications/who doesn't) I thought it might be best not to dredge the whole thing up again. Of course, you are free to discuss what happened any time.

well at least I learned something new on why they changed the hosts for DI ....guess I've been under a rock and didn't know it! ;)
LOL I wouldn't have known if I hadn't seen it here. I'm sure the Food Network didn't advertise it!

I like Michael Symon as an Iron Chef and I love some of the meals he comes up with on Dinner Impossible, but after the last two episodes I watched, I am not sure he is the best fit for that show.

He got so mad, literally, when he had to do a vegetarian dinner for cowboys (yes, it does seem like a stupid idea), that it seemed for a few moments at the beginning that he wasn't even going to do it.

Then in the next episode he had to cook a meal for 300 Grand Ole Opry fans using the words from Charlie Daniel's classic "The Devil Went Down To Georgia". In the song the devil calls Johnny "chicken". The only chicken in the kitchen was boneless skinless breasts and they didn't have time to go to the store. But Symon's pride got in the way and he preferred to compromise the mission rather than use something HE thought was an inferior, tasteless product.

a) couldn't he have sent someone to the store while they worked on all the other stuff to get some bone in chicken?
b) maybe he doesn't like chicken breast but others do and there is SO much you can do with it.

Sorry, I am probably getting picky and argumentative here, and I will still watch the show, but it just left me a little baffled. I know Chef Irvine would have complained, but he would have made do with what he had.
LOL! I was thinking that the bacon might be the next thing I take to a pot luck,
sounded pretty darn tasty to me.
He whipped out some other tasty looking "Boardwalk" foods too. That pizza looked
good too!

I agree on the chocolate covered bacon... right up my alley if you ask me!!!!

I like Symon... he is funny.
Yes, I do like him too and he IS funny. I love his obsession of pork and specially bacon. And I have to admit I would find all those missions completely impossible. It is easy to sit in a chair and judge others when you don't have to walk in their shoes. Sorry Chef Symon for spouting off.

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