Have you exercised today? Accountability thread

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I am planning on doing some backbends, cartwheels, walkovers and handsprings later. I also am going to stretch (I love stretching!!! That is why I can do the splits!!!) I need to do some strength training but I always forget I somehow can't remember to do it!!! So in summary strong ends stretching and gymnastics. Weak ends strength training and cardio (Well gymnastics does give me some of that but I need more).

Can't help wanting to do gymnastics. Well I will admit that I am a show-off so I do my stuff in our front yard and if I see a car coming I will cartwheel then just to show off!

No exercise for me over the last few days, I have managed to sprain my ankle. It was quite exciting. I went to a posh ball on Friday, felt ill after about an hour and got sent back to the hotel where I was staying with two friends, who just so happen to be nurses.

In the middle of the night I got up to go to the loo, and bang, I fainted, whacked my head on the wardrobe, and twisted my ankle. It looks very pretty, purple underneath my foot and all puffed up!

I got sent to hospital in an ambulance, no idea what caused my sickness or the fainting, but the two theories of the doctor are either a virus or food poisoning.

I just have to be the centre of attention!
YIKES! Kyles, that sounds terrible! I hope you are feeling better now. I know the ankle will take a bit to heal but the tummy upset is gone I hope. Did you get a picture of yourself in your ball gown before you felt icky?

As for me, no treadmill on Sunday, I took the day off. I did a walking track yesterday for about 40 minutes and did my treadmill today for 40 minutes. Does anyone have a remedy for the static electricity build up on the treadmill? I sprayed Static Guard on the belt but that did absolutely nothing.
kyles said:
No exercise for me over the last few days, I have managed to sprain my ankle. It was quite exciting. I went to a posh ball on Friday, felt ill after about an hour and got sent back to the hotel where I was staying with two friends, who just so happen to be nurses.

In the middle of the night I got up to go to the loo, and bang, I fainted, whacked my head on the wardrobe, and twisted my ankle. It looks very pretty, purple underneath my foot and all puffed up!

I got sent to hospital in an ambulance, no idea what caused my sickness or the fainting, but the two theories of the doctor are either a virus or food poisoning.

I just have to be the centre of attention!

Ouch!! I also had my share of twisted ankles, once I even managed to do that somehow while just walking on a perfectly flat street with a pair of trainers!! (for this reason I would never dare wear something like high-heels even if I wouldn't look so ridiculous in them!) I hope your friends gave you a proper r.i.c.e. treatment quickly, without it it could be a real bugger for some time...
But I do suggest that you get checked further into the cause of your fainting, if just to make sure it is not related to anything serious. Was this the first time that you experienced fainting? Anyhow I hope you will feel better soon, and take good care of yourself!
cartwheelmac said:
Can't help wanting to do gymnastics. Well I will admit that I am a show-off so I do my stuff in our front yard and if I see a car coming I will cartwheel then just to show off!


I wish I could...
Today I ran into the table thing in gymnastics because I forgot to jump on the springboard because I was trying something new, and I fell off the beam trying to stand up.
Last week I had a sore neck because I can't do a somersault and landed funny. (I have to take gymnatics, I wish I were better at it.)

Other than that I walked half a mile in 16 degree weather and did 10 minutes of cardio. Then I made dinner...
I went swimming today, didn't count lengths after 30, just relaxed and enjoyed it. Swimming is the only time my ankle feels any better :(
Tired and sore, sore and tired. My truck is snowed in at the moment, and during my Christmas party, I took one end of the house, hubby the other. It's an old shotgun-style house. Well, I wound up taking all the coats upstairs to put them on the bed. It isn't like I don't work out (as a matter of fact, our guests included women from my exercise class AND the instructor). But my fanny and the back of my legs are killing me today from running up and down the stairs. Owee.

I am really dedicated to working out on a regular basis. This time of year it is een more important. Unfortunately women tend to think in terms of losing weight. Well, sometimes that isn't going to happen. Go to the gym, take a walk. Especially this time of year!
yes i spent 45 minutes on the treadmill today and burnt 200 calories,at least thats something,no? trying to be regular these days,have been out of touch for so long now,but my baby is 3 months now,so its time i go back on that treadmill and get back in shape...
Wow! I spent some time on the bench at my buddy's place and I'm d*mn near debilitated! To show how pathetic I am, I could barely get fifty pounds off my chest. I think the bar weighs ten. :rolleyes:
I went back to the gym yesterday on my dodgy ankle, it's been 9 days post injury. I think my weight and cardio routine did the world of good and it feels a lot better now. I have really missed the gym. I am doing tai chi tonight, never tried it before!
Great that you are feeling better now!! And your ankle, too!! I hope you will enjoy your tai-chi, it is gentler form of exercise on your healing ankle... I do body balance (also known as body flow), which is a part tai-chi, part yoga and part pilates, it will really give you a good workout without a lot of impact, and improves your flexibility a great deal if you do it regularly. And you will notice you feel really good and rather relaxed when you finish the routine. Tell us how you liked it after the session!!
kyles said:
I am doing tai chi tonight, never tried it before!

kyles, I hope you like it. I was in the best shape of my life years ago taking a tai chi class. Have a video now to follow, but it's a poor second to the excellent teacher I had once upon a time.
I ran (jogged) for two miles yesterday and rode my bike for another five. I came home and streatched on my mat and today am still sore.
I have to get ready for tennis, which we play now when it is cool. The summers are just too hot for tennis.
I did the tai chi class, it was just me and the instructor, so after the formal tai chi bit, he took me through some ankle strengthening work. He happens to be studying to be a physiotherapist, handy huh??

And today I did body pump, which is an aerobics class on the fitball. It was really good, and I enjoyed it.

I'm swimming tonight, and might pop into the gym first.

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