Have you exercised today? Accountability thread

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Thanks, he can move better than he was the last couple days, but he says his neck, back and ribs still hurt. The x-rays and cat scan showed nothing wrong though. Hopefully it's all muscle stress and bruises.
Biev, hope your dh snaps back quickly. Just noticed you are in Key West. Did it get quite warm there yesterday? I think we hit 90, but luckily there was a really good breeze all day and no humidity to speak of. Of course, that means more danger of fires, but I don't think that happened anywhere. Anyway, hope all is well with your dh right away.
Yup. I tell you, on Mondays it really is a bear, but hubby rousted me out of bed and I walked to the gym. This is a minor miracle, given that we had three solid days of partying this weekend!

I also have a hard time getting my workouts in if hubby gets sick, and do better when he does better, even though we do not workout together. So far he's kept diabetes at bay by diet and exercise alone, although we don't really think that will work forever, we're sure trying. I've heard that they're trying a new med for asthmatic diabetics -- and inhaler that also delivers the insulin. It's only experimental now, but it would be great if it was a success (yes, he's both).
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I did 15 minutes of extreme cardio and did 30 situps:-p
I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but, those ellipticals work every part of your body:LOL: And 30 situps is good for me:angel: I haven't done any in a while. That one was part of my challenge on my weight loss forum. It was suppose to be 50, but, the burn was too much right now. I'll have to work my way up.:rolleyes:
Today was 1-1/2 hours of free weights, followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer while I watched part of Good Night, and Good Luck.
I use the Broom, Does anybody know this drill? ( without the sweeping part)
It is a great 15 minute workout. Sometimes I will do it everyday or 3 times a week. It works every muscle in your body. (good for arms) Easier stability for forward lunges.

It's good to see a health conscious group. Good luck to those trying very hard to overcome any type of weight problem.
Licia, it has been crazy hot the last couple of days. I sleep in an attic that was converted into a loft, and the heat is what wakes me up! Then I don't want to move all day... bleh! But I'd take that over dealing with snowstorms any day.

Well, my love looks like he's doing better. Now we'll need to figure out how to get to the gym... no car :-p
texasgirl said:
Show off:-p :LOL: Good job!!

Today it was 10 repetitions, 3 sets, on each of 16 FreeMotion machines. It took me 2 hours and 10 minutes, and two 700 ml bottles of Propel.
Today was a cardio only day. 40 minutes on two recumbant bicycles (I broke the chain on the first one after 11 minutes and 30 seconds and had to switch :angel: ) while watching the end of The Greatest Game Ever Played and the beginning of Fun with Dick and Jane.
After exercising for three months, I have hit the 10 pound mark. I think bread is what has kept me from losing and I'm really trying to stay away from that, at least until I'm prepared to accept healthy types only. We are getting more intense workouts lately and I'm sure that has helped. Today I weighed at the gym and at Curves when I drove by and both show the 10# loss.:)
way to go, licia!!! Bread and its carby friends (taters, rice, crackers, cereal) are often my downfall too. You are doing great, though. I've got to get back in that groove myself.
Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday tend to be my non-workout days, but today was my annual day for helping an older freind with her garden and her late husband's grave. So while it wasn't really a workout, per se, it was exercise out in the fresh air. I firmly believe that the psyche really benefits from any outdoor activity.
Went back to Curves today with my larger-than-desired tail between my legs. Did OK on the workout and felt pretty good after. Let's see if I can keep it up.
Today I did mostly lower body machines, with crunches and back extensions thrown in for good measure. I have a crick in my left upper arm that really hurts if I move just the right way, so I am trying not to move that particular way. I also did 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer while watching a movie i never did catch the title of. All I remember is it had a bunch of guys in ski masks shooting at each other with automatic weapons.
Caine said:
All I remember is it had a bunch of guys in ski masks shooting at each other with automatic weapons.

sounds like just about every other movie HH watches. 'Splosions, shootouts, and car chases--and he's in.
Yes I did exercise today, if you consider gardening and walking the dog to be exercise :)
i got my exercize- went & got a billion job applications. gotta have a billion extra snacks now.

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