Have you exercised today? Accountability thread

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After having company back-to-back for the better part of a month, AND my gym having personnel shortages, I finally got in THREE classes this week (Monday is a class a lot like the "Firm" tapes, Weds is Pilates, Fri is 1/2 hour of step followed by 1/2 hour of ball). On Tuesday I hiked up to a friend's house to read. Yesterday it was too rainy to hike, hubby drove me up (we were going out after, so didn't want to have the truck). The one day I usually don't work out, Thursday, Hubby and I decided to take a hike before doing some shopping. I was glad to get back to normal. We usually walk most places we go, but when we have older guests they often can't do the walking we do and that cuts into our day-to-day walking.

I have mentioned this several times, however when you exercise regularly you will gain muscle tissues.

That's the truth. I began working out at the gym, along with healthy eating, and have only lost 2# but have taken off 9".

I don't care how much I weigh, as long as I'm toned.
Went back to Curves this a.m. after a looong absence and managed to do the whole circuit without getting sore or fatigued. Boy did I feel good afterward. And boy do I need it after sitting at a desk for the last year instead of being on my feet most of the day.
20 minutes of EFX and 20 on treadmill, light weightlifting for 30 minutes, lost inches all around already...woohoo!
Is no one else suffering from the heat? We only have window A/C units and trust me, going outside with the express purpose of sweating is not wise. Then I have company coming later in the week. I have all I can do to try to get the house-cleaning done in the next few days. I told hubby that tomorrow morning I'd turn on the guest room a/c and we'd get that done, in addition to the upstairs bathroom. Thank heaven today is supposed to be the last day of the heat wave for us. Exercise is definitley taking a back seat. And we're usually pretty religious about it.
I excuse you, Claire. Look at the date of my last post on this thread - that's the last time I exercised anything but my opinion. Still too frickin hot to do anything else.
we went on a great hike today up by Mt Baker. Aidan hiked most of the way and is tired out! I forgot the frontpack at home to carry Callum, so we carried him in our arms. He fell asleep on the way back to the car. I'll post some photos in the photo section later.
90 minute workout yesterday - 30 on EFX and 60 on weights. Talk about soreness all over. Yikes!

Today, hubby is dragging me to the gym again but he'll go easy on me...so he says.
Well, more active this week than I have been in three years! Yippee. We have walked for a few hours each day getting to know our new neighbourhood and the husbands new office is exactly half an hours brisk walk from home, so I plan a brisk walk every evening to meet him and then walk back together. It sounds feeble next to cross trainers and treadmills, but for me its a huge step!
I try to run 5 miles at least 4 to 6 nights a week. Then I purchased a speed rope recently so if I need to, I can work out in the cool air of my house. Jumping rope is not as easy as it use to be, but getting better at it.

Also have a gym at home and work out on that nightly, different muscle groups. Also keep weights at work so I can do a little work out while I sit on the phone.

I have always done some sort of exercise and probably have done it for the last 10 years. I never diet, just use portion control.
I have been so terrible this last week. I had guests, and my exercise instructor was out-of-pocket for a week. I did get to the gym for one workout, and did walk to town and back a few times. But I'm seriously behind the power curve lately. I have construction workers showing up at 6 a.m. every morning as well. I jump up when they arrive and throw on clothes so I can open the doors so they have a bathroom available. Then I fall back asleep in my recliner and miss my exercise class.
Haven't exercised since I stopped going to my muay thai gym... that was months ago. -_-

Just some food for thought -- exercising more than 4 days a week is usually counterproductive, as your body doesn't have time to heal, assuming you're getting a good workout. Also, weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise, so be sure to fend off those snacks (I have a very hard time with that one). ;)
Of the 14 lbs I'd lost, I have put 4 back on, so this week in addition to my 1 hour water class, I'm doing an extra 30 minutes there and at least 30 minutes on the treadmill. I hope to be down a dress size by Thanksgiving - at least.
phu said:
Haven't exercised since I stopped going to my muay thai gym... that was months ago. -_-

Just some food for thought -- exercising more than 4 days a week is usually counterproductive, as your body doesn't have time to heal, assuming you're getting a good workout. Also, weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise, so be sure to fend off those snacks (I have a very hard time with that one). ;)

Of course I have. Today is Wednesday, which is circuit training day. 10 machines, 12 exercises, 10 repetitions, 3 sets, with a 3 minute rest between sets.

As a certified personal trainer, aerobics instructor, kickboxing instructor, nutritionist, and senior fitness instructor, I have to tell you that everything you seem to believe about diet and exercise is wrong!

1. Weight training should be done every other day to allow for muscle repair and recovery, yes, but cardiovascular exercise, and exercising of small muscles such as the abdominals, can be, and should be, done every day.

2. Every pound of lean muscle tissue you create by exercising consumes 300 calories a day, just by being muscle, and even more when these muscles are exercised, so while it is important to eat the right foods and aviod the wrong ones, exercise is just as, if not more, important as diet.

3. On any successful eating plan, snacking is not only allowed, it is encouraged. You should eat at least 6 small meals and healthy snacks every day, at regualr intervals, in order to keep your metabolism running at a steady pace. Of course, you would still need to consume fewer calories than your body requires to lose weight.
Today, no excersizing for me, as it was busy day!

but typical I do 30-40 miles per day on bike.
First, Lou and I went bike riding for a little more than an hour. Then I weeded the back gardens for two hours. I had weeds that were taller than I and completely unidentifiable. I have no idea where these weeds came from. I am happy to say I didn't see any tiny snakes! I would have had to march myself directly into the shower and retreat to a day of bonbons and Lifetime television.

Three hours of exercise for me, today.

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