How's the garden coming along??

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Got the strawberries in, blueberry bushes, raspberry bushes, carrot seeds in, cucumbers, jalapenos, green, red an orange peppers. Cauliflowers (white, orange and purple) purple tomatillos. Doing lots. Ornamental kale outside the fence to put some distance from the dog to the peas.
Slow down, Heart Patient. ;) Do a little less "lots".
Kitties?? :huh:

That's what happens when autocorrect does its thing, and you don't proof read before hitting enter:LOL:

Kirbies, NOT Kitties.

That being said, I have my share of kitties to be planted, cause they keep trying to plant something else in my garden.


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That's what happens when autocorrect does its thing, and you don't proof read before hitting enter:LOL:

Kirbies, NOT Kitties.

That being said, I have my share of kitties to be planted, cause they keep trying to plant something else in my garden.

That qualifies as a "Crazy Cat Lady" lot.
Still got to get the lettuces planted. I'll post a pic of them when I get them done.
Amazing how different things are in different climates. We tried to grow a second round of lettuces after the heat wave in February caused them to bolt and the second set bolted, too. We just replaced them with zucchini.
According to Mom, we really shouldn't plant anything until after Mother's Day, but it's been quite warm here so we started early.
Growing up we had the saying "Can't plant before the 24th of May on the Queen's Birthday".

Right now garden doesn't look too good - Just been plain too wet and cold. But when it does suddenly get warm it will be almost too late to plant!
I am so late this year. My corn is only about 6" tall, should be 2 feet. Squash is up but small, peas, beans are up only a couple inches. I finished my tomato transplants yesterday, a month late, and added 1 row of okra. My wife's surgery has thrown everything a month late.
I procrastinated, my own fault. Now I'll have to wait until after Mothers Day to get my vegetable transplants and flowers from our local greenhouse. That place is a madhouse on Mothers Day as families drag moms around to get their plants, so I'll have to wait until later in the week. Hopefully the stock isn't too picked over or decimated by then. Oh well, I guess there's always Walmart and a couple grocery/hardware stores that sell plants too.

I've cut way back on flowers, my perennials have pretty much taken over, so I don't need as many as I used to get.
I have a few perennials that have come back. I need to get the peonies in. I have some dahlias but they won't last the winter, so I;m going to hold them in the garage fridge for the summer.
Be still my beating heart, so want to plant, but have to wait for the last frost. Got the radishes, kale, and peas in, but oh, I so want to plant the tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant!
I put my tomatoes in last month, but put two plants in each place instead of one. All are doing fine, have tomatoes on all of them.
For some reason my chives died back. one is starting again, but I guess i will just plant new ones.
Our plumeria is leafing out, and I counted about 12 flower clusters. I bought a kangaroo paw plant last year, and it is doing great now. I have about 15 flowers on it.
I can give you chives, Souschef. Even when I prune them and pitch the seedheads into the pine trees, they sprout another chive patch. I think they like cool winter weather. CA may not be their preference. We have an endless supply.

I am quite pleased. In an effort to be, um, helpful, DH "weeded" all the stuff by one of my whiskey barrels up by the house. He also yanked up all my golden creeping Jenny that I replant from the ground into the barrels so I don't have to buy more. Has worked for me for many years. Nope, Jenny was all gone. Aha! The garden by the mailbox has bunches of creeping Jenny! DH is not allowed to do anymore weeding around Jenny.
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The chive blossoms are nice in salads. I made pesto with chives once, hoo boy. Hoping I didn't breathe on anyone. It was good though, but a bit strong.
We couldn't leave the house all weekend! I follow a blog called Kevin in a Garden or something, and I believed him about the chive pesto. I just breathed on the weeds in the sidewalk, and they wilted. I'd probably mix in some cream cheese, sour cream, or yogurt.
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I put my tomatoes in last month, but put two plants in each place instead of one. All are doing fine, have tomatoes on all of them.
For some reason my chives died back. one is starting again, but I guess i will just plant new ones.
Our plumeria is leafing out, and I counted about 12 flower clusters. I bought a kangaroo paw plant last year, and it is doing great now. I have about 15 flowers on it.

Our neighbor on the other side of us from upstate New York has one in a pot and he keeps bringing outside and I swear, it's dead!

First Tomatoes EVER!!
I'm so excited!!!!!!
DH said that taste really good too, I'm just over the Moon....

We went today over to our Landscapers place to pick out some
boulders for the front yard and he was thrilled to hear that I want to try my hand at veggies and herbs. He was shocked that I already have nice sized herbs as well tomatoes ready to pick. He said that I'm so far ahead of everyone else! He took me into his makeshift greenhouse (his garage) with all of his starters and he gave me a Bell Pepper and Cucumber plant. He wants me to put in a raised bed, but I told him I want to experiment this season, next year we'll do that. He has a beautiful Redwood raised box, not sure that's the direction I want to go though... we'll see.

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