I know...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I know I need to find more time when im away from work for this board
I know I should have taken care of a few things in the summer that im now worried about
I know it will all be ok.
I know I need to send some PMs
I know there are alot of things that are priceless (some people take it for granted)
I know yesterday was good!
I know today will be too because it will be spent with hubbers.
I know that I am loved.
I know that I love.
I know that I've got to do those dirty dishes ASAP or things will start to grow. lol
I know that I really should get Paul his own Costco card
I know that THIS TOO SHALL PASS has saved my sanity many times.
i know it is a beautiful fall day.
i know i am angry my space was invaded.
i know i am grateful for all the good wishes and suggestions abount break-in.
i know it is time to bake something:cool:
I know that while I am glad to be back at DC, my time away was well spent.
I know that I was missed and can't tell you what an awesome feeling that is.
I know I have my passion for food and cooking back so I MUST be feeling better!
I know that while there is still pain and some questions about whether my leg will heal properly (straight), I am emotionally and physically stronger than I have been for over a year.
I know I have many people here to thank for encouraging me.
I know I love my DH so much
I know he cried last night when I presented him with a nice "gourmet" dinner I did all by myself because he was proud of me.
I know I want to bake something today!
I know that I am angry for Babetoo that her space was invaded
I know I have a bunch of PM's to write today.
I know that I am so blessed when I'm given opportunity to help 'anyone'.
I know the reason I'm here and I know I'm more rounded because of it.
I know that's an oxymoron too, cause I think I really am more rounded.
I know my experience with APPLE yesterday was a thorough bust and I know that the woman who helped me is going through some sort of metamorphosis because that was NO woman.
I know I've gained so much from magnificent individuals.
I know that life is always worth living and never praised about enough.
I know I am guilty of a lot but happy too. I'll choose the happy any day.
I know how much joy it brings to an otherwise fretful day, when IP4AOY.
I know many who don't post on this thread and I know my mind works overboard about that.
I know I am thankful.
I know my back hurts, I know it's my kidneys, I also know I'll get through it.
Because I know GIG
I know today is here and will be wonderful
I know yesterday was a total horrid thing and I'm glad it's over
I know I am looking forward to getting in the kitchen and doing my thing
I know it will be just me and I love that most of the time
I know I need to say my prayers for those I care for and ove
I know I will and soon.
I know yesterday was part my own doing
I know I cannot let others dictate my feelings
I know today only the little ones will occupy my thoughts
I know some of you will slip in and make me smile
I know, I'm ever so lucky
I know I'm sorry Kades had a rough day yesterday!
I know she knows that if she wants to vent to me she can.
I know one hug from a little boy will make it all better.
I know that I'm making chicken tonight and I promised Paul a new recipe so I'd better find one.
I know that jobs are harder to find this time around
I know that Paul has a meeting with his bosses boss today
I know that we got a new x-box game last night and he swears I'm going to love it!! lolololol!!!!
I know that I am sad for whatever it is that Kades went through yesterday.
I know I hope it didn't hurt physically [but sometimes] emotional things ride just as bumpy.
I know I haven't seen CSalt in a very long time on here.
I know yesterday we received a very difficult blow.
I know my husband won't get over this anytime soon, if ever.
I know we think we're so smart but sometimes, we gotta let go.
I know GIG and He knows all that's going on and it's in His control, no matter how hard or disappointing things seem.
I know that without my inner emotions, thoughts, feelings and being how I am, days like so many that come along, wouldn't be tolerable.
I know that today, lots of prayers will continue and I will ask for sense being made to me but not in my time but rather His.
I know there are some incredibly strong people on the site!
I know whether they KNOW it or not, they are included in my prayers!
I also know GIG!
I know I forgot to book my ride in time for my physio appointment today and now I can't get there.
I know that I am not going to beat myself up about it like I used to.
I know I will just exercise that much more until I go on Thursday.
I know I have huge hugs and prayers for Kades and many others here.
I know, like Lefse and Deelady, that GIG and will always be
I know that I am so glad to be back with my DC family
I know that I am not worrying that DH will be on the job hunt again in two weeks
I know that there is a perfect permanent job just waiting for him!
I know I need to go exercise.
I know I have laundry to fold
I know I have dishes to do
I know I need to clean the bathrooms
I know I need to mop the kitchen floor
I KNOW Im not gonna do it today!
I know thats ^^^^^ quite alright
I know Im in a silly mood........and I just wanted to share my sillyness with you all!
I know that DC keeps my sanity together
I know that I'm looking so forward to going back home and getting my yard in order again.........new fence.........thanks to "I liked Ike......when he was a blip out in the ocean" and some new landscaping.......
I know that I'm looking forward to seeing my friends
I know that I'm already craving Mexican food......el yummio
I know that I'm glad that LP is back and feeling better--we've missed you!!! :)
i know i am tired
i know it is a good tired
i know it is because i worked outside most of day.
i know there is more to do.
i know my granddaughter called today.
i know she was concerned about break in.
i know my kids and grandkids care what happens to me. :cool:
I know I had the best custome at my freind birthday/custome party

I know I cant stand emtional drunks
I know This person ^^^ has drinkers remorse
I know its been 5 years my 2 freinds have been sober, and i couldnt be prouder of them
I know I love my freinds (wife is 1 of them) and they mean alot to me.
I know Im closer to them then I ever will be with my extended family
I know it's time for our Sunday together and dinner
I know I'm so glad to see another day
I know I slept like a baby last night
I know the day will be even brighter when the little ones get here
I know I wish you all a wonderful love filled day

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