Is this banana okay to eat?

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I have to say that I am puzzled by this entire thread. Do most of you eat your bananas when they're still green or yellow, before they develop brown spots like in the picture?

I cannot stand bananas until all of the green coloring is gone and there are brown spots all over the skin/peel (whatever you call it). That process probably takes around 10 days (give or take) from the day I buy them. In fact, by the time I consider bananas edible, they're almost rotten (a couple days away). Buying bananas is actually a huge problem for me because of spoilage. I can only buy a few bananas in a bunch because if I buy more than five in a bunch, they actually do become rotten before I get a chance to eat them all (assuming I eat only one per day).

The picture of that banana is hard to see (at least on my computer), but I see nothing wrong with the banana at all. To me, I'd consider that not quite edible, yet.
Suffice it to say, bananas are rarely on my grocery list. I do not eat bananas. I do not like bananas in the house, my car, or within 30 ft. of me--I can't stand the smell of them (or the texture). (My brother and I took a road trip a couple of years ago. He had three bananas in his backpack when I picked him up. I could smell them immediately. I told him to eat them, toss the peel in the garbage before he could get in. There was no way I was riding in a car that smelt like bananas). The only time I buy bananas is if I want to make banana bread--about once a year. And then, I buy "ready-to-use, overripe bananas" and either use them immediately or freeze them. If you can't eat all the bananas before they start to blacken, you can peel them and mash them with a potato masher, shove in the freezer. You can then use these bananas for banana bread, muffins, etc. rather than toss them out.
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I can't stand bananas either but my kids love them. Slightly green bananas do have a lower GI though, so for those of you that have diabetes they are better for you. Blackened bananas are great for banana bread and they don't get rotten that quickly. If it looks like a banana, smells like a banana, it must be a banana and is fine to eat lol!

In response to MJ1's post. We tend to make mountains out of mole hills on DC. We have more than one thread on how to boil and egg. I guess DC is short for OCD ;p
Most of us don't seem to mind.
I know I don't. DC is where I come to talk about whatever I want, whenever I want and no one judges me. Love it! It's better that Prozac :)
They are from costco and have heavily browned spots.

They are from costco and have heavily browned spots.

Eat them. They're fine.

I threw a couple of peeled overripe bananas into the blender along with frozen blueberries, some Greek yogurt, skim milk, agave syrup, and chia seeds for a very nice smoothie. Actually, a lot of smoothies. DH will take some to work.

Bananas are one of the few fruits that you don't need to worry about pesticides, etc., as they are totally encased in a peel.
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agreed. they even still have a bit of green on them, so they're fine. bananas' skin bruises easily from temp change and handling, but the meat inside will be ok

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