ISO Vegetarian Sushi Ideas

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
My wife enjoys the vegetarian sushi rolls we get at our local market. the only problem is there is little to no variety. ( basically cucumber, avocado, carrot along with the rice and sea weed).

I bought some stuff to make such veg sushi for her at home, but i was curious if anyone had any other suggestions that i can do to mix things up a bit. I never was into sushi, so it is hard for me to think up things that may work.

Steamed broccoli stems, mushroom slivers (different varieties), green onion.

Lemon soaked firm tofu, jicama, apple.
You can also try to mix it up by using marinated or pickled versions of the same old veggies.
Grilled tempeh is nice. You can also use brown rice, but, on the inside and use the Thai peanut sauce as a dipper along with soy sauce. Marinated grilled tofu (marinated in asian type flavors i.e., soy, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, etc.)

Other choices in a variety of combinations:

baby greens with a whole leaf on either end for presentation
spring onions (the green part)
cream cheese
red onion
red pepper
daikon radish
radish sprouts, if you can find them
don't forget toasted white sesame seeds, along with black sesame seeds

You can also use fruit. I, personally, like a strawberry and cream cheese roll...even dipped in soy sauce.

I really think you will find the grilled tempeh a nice change.
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I'm not crazy about big crunchy things in sushi - it makes the sushi harder to eat. But for a flavor punch I love slivered picked garlic cloves added. I usually put raw red pepper, green onion, pickled garlic, toasted sesame seed, and avocado or smoked tofu. If I use tofu I also add some fresh grilled shitake mushrooms.
I think you can put anything you want, or can think into sushi. Heck, it's your sushi, you can do whatever you want. ;)

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