It's happened! Wedding bells!!!

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Dearest DC friends,

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been as "present" here as I had been in the past. That's due to a lot of things, most of which have to do with juggling my life after Buck's death...trying to keep myself sane, juggling our business, managing my finances alone, making it through our horrific ice storm last January, many other issues that are so many I can't even think of them right now.

However, amidst all that I took time to open myself up to getting my life back and meeting people. And, yes, I DID meet someone and his name is Glenn. He's a doll and every bit a good as Buck. He treats me like a queen 24/7 and loves my children and grandchildren.

Now, as Paul Harvey would say, here's the "rest of the story."

On a very sunny, beautiful afternoon - Halloween, to be exact - Glenn and I were married. We were married by one of my dear, dear friends and we had the ceremony at the gazebo in Paducah where Glenn and I met for the first time.

There were only a handful of folks there, Constance and her husband, along with another friend and our witnesses. We didn't tell our families until this last weekend. All our families are happy, happy, happy for us and WE couldn't be happier ourselves.

I never thought I would be this happy again. Losing Buck was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Glenn is very understanding and knows all about the circumstances of Buck's death and our marriage. He's very supportive and, when I have bad days, he cries along with me. If you know anything about country music, the words to Keith Urban's song, Only You Can Love Me This Way, pretty much sum up what Glenn is to me.

We visited in Atlanta, GA last weekend with 3 of my 5 children and Glenn told them that, "no matter what, he loves their mother and will always take care of her." He DOES take care of me and it's just getting better and better.

I've come back to life and can't wait for each new day to begin. I feel like a teenager and am so thankful that I have the opportunity to begin writing another chapter in my life.

And, I can't finish this announcement without thanking all of you for your love and support. I couldn't have made it without you. DC has become a family to me and I love you all very much.
Katie, after Buck died many of us grieved right along with you. Your story together was one of love and true friendship. Your story about finding Glenn and finding love again just makes me smile right down to my toes. I'm so happy for you both. You deserve all the good things life can send your way. Congratulations to Glenn on finding a true gem. He's a lucky guy Katie.
Katie, Best wishes and congratulations to you both. The old song "The Second Time Around" may indeed be true. Glad you found love again.
Katie, this is great news! It's great to see you happy and enjoying life again.

I wish great happiness for you both for a long time to come.
I'm so happy for you. I remember the tears we shared when you called. I would worry and pray each day. Then your voice began to change. When you told me about Glenn, I remember thinking he had better be good to Katie or ELSE:LOL: I need'nt have worried. Now you 're always talking with the Katie voice I remember. Gil loves when he answers and hears you. He and I wish you both the very best and a long happy life together,
hugs friend,
Well I'll be...Miss Katie done snuck off, and whilst most folks weren't lookin, done got herself hitched!!!...In da broad open daylight at that!! If that don't beat all.... Miss Katie I ain't smiled so big since old Daisy had puppies!! Glory be girl...I'm right proud of ya...Mighty proud I am...I know ya gonna be real happy, and that's good! Yes it is!!! Yes it is!!! ~~~ I gots to axe you a question though...This Glenn feller...Can he Cook???? :LOL:

All the best Katie!!!:)
Katie and Glenn, Congratulations!! I'm so glad you found each other. It is always difficult to open yourself up for love again after you've lost your partner. May God bless this union and keep the the two of you under His care as you journey forth together. Blessings!!
Wow, congrats! I felt just terrible knowing how bad you were hurting after Buck's death. I think he'd be really happy to know that you're smile has returned.:)
Katie, that is wonderful news. I am so happy that you have found a someone to share your life. Buck will always hold a dear place in your heart, but I am so glad to see you continue on with your personal life. Congratulations!!
Yep, Uncle Bob, he can cook, too. Not only that, he can build houses, do plumbing, electricial work, farming, maintain and rebuild cars from engine to the frame. I haven't found anything he can't do. In fact, yesterday he changed the oil in my car and says he's going to wash it for me today. Not only does he take care of me, he takes care of my car, too.

He also went to the building materials store yesterday and got nearly everything to begin building an 18x24-foot studio for me. He's awesome!

He's a true keeper. I'm so lucky!!!!!
I have been waiting for Katie's announcement before saying anything. Glenn is a real doll...not only is he handsome, but also very nice. Kim liked him, too, and Kim is generally a good judge of character.

Most important, Katie is happy. You can see for yourself:


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Yep, Uncle Bob, he can cook, too. Not only that, he can build houses, do plumbing, electricial work, farming, maintain and rebuild cars from engine to the frame. I haven't found anything he can't do. In fact, yesterday he changed the oil in my car and says he's going to wash it for me today. Not only does he take care of me, he takes care of my car, too.

He also went to the building materials store yesterday and got nearly everything to begin building an 18x24-foot studio for me. He's awesome!

He's a true keeper. I'm so lucky!!!!!

That's quite a resume Miss Katie...About all that's left is catching crickets, digging worms, going fishing, running trot lines, and skinning a deer. ;)
Of course frying catfish, hush puppies, and BBQing ribs and butts would be good too...:LOL:
That's quite a resume Miss Katie...About all that's left is catching crickets, digging worms, going fishing, running trot lines, and skinning a deer. ;)
Of course frying catfish, hush puppies, and BBQing ribs and butts would be good too...:LOL:

He does all that, too, Uncle Bob. There's an almost 2-acre pond stocked with fish on his/our property. A large propane fish fryer lives on the back porch. Need I say more.

Thanks, Connie, for posting the pictures. We loved our wedding day!!!!!
I have been waiting for Katie's announcement before saying anything. Glenn is a real doll...not only is he handsome, but also very nice. Kim liked him, too, and Kim is generally a good judge of character.

Most important, Katie is happy. You can see for yourself:

Thanks for the photos, Constance! :)
Thank you for posting the pictures Constance. Katie, you and Glenn look just right together! I am so happy for both of you!

Katie. just as beautiful as ever. Your hair and dress were perfect.
Happiness always.
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