Last thing that made you smile?

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My Dad gave up his driver's license today. No, that didn't make me smile, though I am really proud of him.

What made me smile is when he said that he made the decision to just do it after I drove to and from his place about an hour away from here. He said that he has every confidence in the world in my driving and none in his. This is the same man that used to criticize everything I did behind the wheel!!!
Working on something I've wanted for some time now. An herb garden..I am having so much fun doing this..I was afraid It might be to much for me as I haven't done any digging and working with soil for several years..But I did it and it felt so good. I put in 2 kinds of oregano, 6 flat leaf parsley, 2 dill, 2 sage,6 basil,2 thyme, garlic and onion chives, I also put in 2 watermelon and 2 armenian cucumbers in the back garden with the tomatoes...I got a bonus as I was giving all I put in a drink a little hummingbird came and helped himself from my hose..Wonderful day for me and I'm still smiling.

Oh, Kades, I know exactly what you mean. I love my herb garden! I am smiling for you!
Oh, Kades, I know exactly what you mean. I love my herb garden! I am smiling for you!
Thanks Laurie,
I'm so proud of my work..I feel so alive doing this after all this time...I even went and bought 3 flats of impatients for the front porch and plan to work out there tomorrow afternoon.Have to see and imortant baseball game first..Go get em Cade:LOL:
Doin' my usual porch settin'. The sky is awesome...streaks of salmon, aqua, peach, baby blue. Colors that don't have names. I'm also being "buzzed" by the hummingbirds that have found the feeder. I think I'm going to have to wear a hardhat from now on. They're wild little critters. Temp is about 75F and essentially no humidity, slight breeze. Thelma, Violet and Tumble (kitties) are close by and the milkie dish isn't empty yet. What a night on the porch!!!!
Just got off the phone with a wonderful DC friend (Constance). We're planning a get together on my birthday and I can't wait.

Oh, Kim....brownies. Lots of them.:LOL::LOL::LOL:
What fun you will have..I'm to far away,but keep your eyes open, you just never know what might come to the door..
We sat out on our patio this evening with a glass of wine and listened to Prairie Home Companion with the cool breeze blowing and the birds singing. It was glorious.
We sat out on our patio this evening with a glass of wine and listened to Prairie Home Companion with the cool breeze blowing and the birds singing. It was glorious.
Being outside is wonderful..I love to just sit and wait for hummingbirds to flit overhead...They are such beautiful creatures.
I got an email today from a friend I thought I'd lost touch with. It was so good to be in contact again. Thanks, TexasGirl, for making it happen. That email addy is for you too, you know!
I got an email today from a friend I thought I'd lost touch with. It was so good to be in contact again. Thanks, TexasGirl, for making it happen. That email addy is for you too, you know!

They were very happy to get that too!! Commented about thinking about you just that morning on how you have been doing!! You are so welcome!!:heart:
jake woke me last night to give me a Pens purse i spotted a few days ago & talked aboult since. :)
guys can be a treat sometimes.

Been outside most of the day and have nearly been blown off the hill with the winds.

Right now I'm sitting in my "regular" porch settin' chair, having an adult beverage and enjoying the sight of the sun getting lower and the shadows getting longer.

At any rate, Tumble just whizzed across the porch, flopped down and dropped off soundly to sleep.

Looking at his content, relaxed little self feeling safe put a big smile on my face.

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