Last thing that made you smile?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Well appreciated smiles:
- Babe's lost pound and gained flowers!
- Shrek's blood sugar levels (and how Fiona helped!)
- Taxlady's itchy healing finger
- Fiona's prepping for another race (you are setting the bar mighty high your Ogreness
- The fact I almost called Princess Fiona "your Ocreness" :LOL:
- Luvs enjoying her scented soap.
- Barbara and James

In other words, when things seem rough it is great to smile with others - nothing is too big to handle or too small to not mention! :)
As a matter of fact, I got my marching orders for the next race...Relay For Life...this one is for time, not distance, so I just have to keep moving for a specific amount of time. I'm walking for a 4 hour shift, from Midnight to 4 AM. And since my walking speed is up to 4 mph...I could be knocking on LP's door in a few days.:LOL:

So far I have been pledged $55 an hour. And our grand total, for the Relay garage sale, was $495.50. That was an everything for a $1 sale. Our plant sale is next and apparently it is a HUGE money maker, in the thousands of $$. I'm having fun with all these daylight activities.:angel:
my whole family was here for mother's day, including two of my great granddaughters. had a smile on my face for four hours, lots of flowers and cards. best gift, two 8 oz lobster tails from my son. he knows how much i love lobster. my daughter bought all the food as her gift to me. she even cleaned up the kitchen before she left. my chocolate covered strawberries were a really, really big hit.wonderful day.
a thing i luv- reading yins' posts. they make a grumpy day into a day that isn't so grumpy.
my Mom brought over 4 quite generous bottles of TIGI shampoo & conditioner, & she lemme take my pick. she got my beloved 'ol scent, so i chose those 2.
then i got to get food over @ 'iggle & i got some food i luv. & Mom gave me a few $$ & bought me a few items. this girly-girl item i so wanted. & i got the lipstick that i so luv that get frantic if i've not got it on. a few other things, too.
I had my 9 year old grandson with me this last week. Out of nowhere he says, ( grandma, I don't know what I would do without you). I had a smile on my face but I had tears in my eyes.
I had my 9 year old grandson with me this last week. Out of nowhere he says, ( grandma, I don't know what I would do without you). I had a smile on my face but I had tears in my eyes.
How sweet,
what a wonderful young man you've got there. Mine are so sweet and say the nicest things. My daughter showed me a piture today she took of me when I was so ill in the hospital , It shows Cade my baby sitting at my bedside holding my hand. You could see he'd been crying. That's love I adore this little one.As I'm sure you adore and love your's
DH had his last exam for the semester last night, so today he had the day off and it was project day, so we can relax the rest of the weekend. I finally got everything to plant my little container garden on my porch, so I was working on it this evening. He was busy painting some shelves we're putting in, and we decided it was safer to have DD (20 months old) help me with the dirt. She took a moment of convincing before she'd put her hand into the big bag of dark stuff, but after watching me, she tentatively grabbed a little handful, dropped it into the pot, and then looked up at me with one of those huge grins of pure delight. She "helped" until it was time to actually plant the plants (I moved the dirt from the giant bag into the pots by handfuls, since the bag is too heavy for me to lift at the moment, so it took plenty of time to keep her entertained for a while). Then I put her to work with her own neon orange trowel in a spare container while I planted. The hardest part was, of course, cleaning her up and cleaning off the porch after. It's a good thing I had extra potting mix! I probably could have planted straight on the porch in a couple places. It was lots of fun and I only wish our camera wasn't broken so we could have gotten pictures!
Hearing the words, "I'll be there in 45 minutes ma'am" HALLELUJAH! My plumbing issue is going to be addressed soon!
Taking a ride to a car show with my DH in the Miata with the top down. Had fun at the car show and also went out to lunch. We had barbecue. It was really good! What a fun date with my husband of almost 31 years!
After hearing, "Here's another flower delivery for you," I turned to see an armload of beautiful lilies in the kitchen sink. My sweetheart had gone over to his mother's yard and picked a huge bouquet for me. He'd pointed them out to me last night while we were sitting in the garden.

Aren't they beautiful?


  • Flowers from Glenn 5-22-11.jpg
    Flowers from Glenn 5-22-11.jpg
    38.5 KB · Views: 223
Katie the flowers are gorgious How sweet of Glenn. You are one lucky lady.

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