Last thing that made you smile?

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lol, thanks. i know, i'm not gonna keep my $20 for much longer. they're getting stonger and i'm getting older.


mmm, i could go for veal marsala right about now.
lol, chop.

j-riv, what's in the pasta dish besides mushrooms? looks good.

my smile to was strangely from being a little sore from yesterday.

during baseball practice yesterday, i challenged the boys to see who could run the fastest: them, or fat, old me. i offered $20 to anyone that could beat me.

now, at 48 years old, and only 6' but around 240 lbs., i'm not in great shape. but i kept my $20 as i outran a dozen little 9 and 10 year olds in a sprint where you go 30 yards, touch a line then go back, touch, and do it 3 more times.

later, i challenged them again for $20 to outrun me around the bases. i've still got my $20, but it really inspired the boys to work harder for next time. they've got $$$ in their eyes. :D

then, after practice i had to wait with a few boys until their parents came to pick them up, so i taught them how to juggle 3 baseballs, and bounce a ball off of your bicep and back into ypur hand, and toss a ball in the air and catch it behind your back. it was a lot of fun, and the boys had no idea that they were working on eye-hand coordination.

but holy moly, i'm sore today. i can't sit down or get up without sounding like an old man. but every time i feel like that my grimace turns to a smile thinking of how i can't wait to play tomorrow.

I think the happiest sound and sight an adult can be part of is to see and hear a child smile and laugh outloud. And for those adults who are responsible for this to happen, they should have a special joy placed on them. You are on of those adults bt. And don't worry, it is just like getting back on the horse. You will be back out there doing it all over again. The pain will go and the fun with those boys will stay with you. You are not only giving those boys some happy memories, but yourself for you old age. Even I would have been impressed with your ability to juggle those balls and bounce one off your bicep. I can't even catch a ball while looking at it. :angel:
they're just parlour tricks, addie. but but as so many good scouts, coaches, and teachers know, there's ways to teach without teaching. by just having fun and trying something tricky.

juggling is actually pretty easy. as you toss a ball in the air, you toss the next one as the first one arcs, and so on.

i can only do it with baseballs or tennis balls, but it's fun.

the best part, as you mentioned, was seeing a boy make a rotation or two of the balls before dropping one.

now i've got them hooked. now even the most hard headed or distracted boys will listen to me about pitching, or fielding, or hitting mechanics.
i like your strategy for teaching your boys too, bt. you don't always have to outrun or outlast them either. a novelty such as the juggling is a perfect example of a way to impress the kids, get their attention, get them motivated /involved and collaterally, earn you a few cool creds as well.:)
i'll never forget the impression this one softball coach had on me and other team members. he was constantly trying to get us to work harder, especially when we were tired and at the very brink of exhaustion. sometimes he would use challenges or bribes, or try to get us angry enough to reach down deep. but the one he will always be remembered for is his bet that he could outrun any of us, one at a time, with him running backwards while we ran forward. we were incredulous! this coach was middle-aged, with this huge beer gut, and borderline obese. he looked to be out of shape, but we soon learned differently. we were all flabbergasted as each of us lost our footraces in turn, including the fastest among us, with coach, effortlessly in the lead sprinting backwards, laughing the whole way. after that demonstration, we were much more inclined to follow his lead during practices, and respected his authority as coach of our softball team.
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My best friend asked me today if you have to put onion in homemade chicken soup.

I told her that as far as I'm concerned you do, but that beyond the chicken and the water, it is whatever she wants to make it. :D

Thanks PF. Classical music pieces were my lullabies. So music has always been a major part of my life. But kids in need almost destroy me on the spot. I can't stand the thought of a child that is hungry. That is why I give to the food bank every month. But sometimes the soul has to be fed also. And it does my heart good to know that there is someone out there who knows that also.

One of the things I love about these YouTube pieces is that you look at one and at the end it leads you to so many others. :angel:
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A couple things: Beagle scrooching up the area rug in order to lie in her sunbeam, and looking forward to who wins Survivor tonight!

But then Survivor's over till next time. :( Oh well, I still have Beagle!
Club soda. Why? you might ask. Well, SIL was serving up dessert (she makes a killer cheesecake) and her elbow whapped her glass of wine...RED wine. All over my light grey carpeting in our sun room. :ohmy: Place looked like a crime scene. :shock: All I could yell was "club soda! club soda!" as I ran down the basement and up again in record time, bottle of the magic solution in my hand. After about 20 minutes of pouring and blotting it looked like nothing had happened. I'll make a final judgement call on it tomorrow when the sun is out, but right now it's looking like no harm, no foul. phew!
you need a hoover dual v carpet cleaner, cg.

our cats have made one sop.

if you catch any spill quickly, it's no problem. ok, except for candle wax.

but wine, blood, cat puke or butt drags :)sad:) food syains, etc. are no problem.

if they have time to set, an oxygenated spray cleaner, then the hoover's manual attachment does the job.
Retelling my 3 y/o niece's versions of Beauty and the Beast (the Disney one) and Cinderella (also the Disney one) to one of my best friends. We both laughed and smiled and decided that she's awesome (as we've done frequently in the past).
Retelling my 3 y/o niece's versions of Beauty and the Beast (the Disney one) and Cinderella (also the Disney one) to one of my best friends. We both laughed and smiled and decided that she's awesome (as we've done frequently in the past).

Maybe you need to record her stories...

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