Last thing that made you smile?

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Well....I have no more tulips in my garden. Tumble has seen to that.

As I was sitting on the porch this evening, he methodically pounced, removed and delivered to me the last of the tulips. He was determined on clearing the tulip patch. What a silly kitty! I have to love him because his heart is in the right place. He seemed so proud of himself as he dropped each flower at my feet.

Tumble certainly made me smile...again.
How could you not smile? I'm grinning just imagining Tumble and his pick the tulips quest:LOL:

I'm smiling for LC, Katie, Laurie and for me;) We had dinner at a friends home tonight and it was so much fun and was a taste treat..everything was home made Chinese, fried rice, veggies of bok choy, peas,2 types mushrooms, a crumbled pork dish with a fish sauce and shrimp, duck with sweet sour sauce, this one I skirted as I don't do duck, Chinese chicken salad with red ginger this was my favorite, pickled cucumbers and angel food cake with whipped cream frosting and strawberries...good talk with dear friends and a meal yours truly did not have to cook:LOL: I get to feed them tomorrow..:innocent:

Now that porch settin' season has opened, I've been enjoying reconnecting with the outdoors.

I put my hummingbird feeder out about 10 days ago and it's a popular place. The last couple of day it's been busy, busy, busy and the little rockets whizz by my head like crazy. The rapid beating of their little wings puts a big smile on my face. I've already counted 5 of the little birdies. I'm considering getting another feeder.
my Tigs greeting me at the door, of course so dagnabbin famished (mind you, his breakfast is at 5:05, & school's over at 12:15:rolleyes:) he's silent-meowing cause he's to "feeble" to meow.:ROFLMAO:


i think he can read- he's giving me a look.
i free feed thomas. he always has food available. of course it is dry food. he doesn't care for wet. he has never over eaten this way. food not a big huge deal for him since he can eat when ever he likes. just a thought.
babetoo, Tigs is overweight, so i watch his intake. :)

i can certainly understand that. i think if thomas were over weight i would change to a lower calorie food. a lot of companies have indoor cat formulas. then i could con. to free feed. ..

each of us has his own opinion. and yours might be the right one.
Working on something I've wanted for some time now. An herb garden..I am having so much fun doing this..I was afraid It might be to much for me as I haven't done any digging and working with soil for several years..But I did it and it felt so good. I put in 2 kinds of oregano, 6 flat leaf parsley, 2 dill, 2 sage,6 basil,2 thyme, garlic and onion chives, I also put in 2 watermelon and 2 armenian cucumbers in the back garden with the tomatoes...I got a bonus as I was giving all I put in a drink a little hummingbird came and helped himself from my hose..Wonderful day for me and I'm still smiling.
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